

  V. Kiktenko


The article describes the main points of Mou Zongsan’s moral metaphysics as a new stage in the development of modern Neo-Confucianism. It presents the criticism of Western logic and epistemology and the introduction of new concepts, which should overcome the shortcomings of the philosophy of Kant. It was noted that Mou Zongsan used the concept of “intellectual intuition” (智的直觉, zhì de zhíjué) to explain the Neo-Confucian moral knowledge that implements the original essence and original mind. The present article proved that the Mou Zongsan’s philosophical system is an alternative to Western spirituality in the form of a combination of Confucian tradition and Confucian moral metaphysics with Western theoretical terms and concepts.

How to Cite

Kiktenko, V. (2014). MOU ZONGSAN’S MORAL METAPHYSICS: POST-KANTIANISM AND NEO-CONFUCIANISM. The World of the Orient, (3 (84), 133-141.
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epistemology, logic, Moral Metaphysics, Mou Zongsan, Neo-Confucianism, Post-Kantianism


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