

  D. Markov


The article is devoted to the process & peculiarities of building of the unified state in Nepal from the genesis of that process until the II h. of XVIII century, when the kingdom was established by the prince Prithvi Narayan Shah of Gorkha. Special attention is paid to the activity & role of Prithvi Narayan Shah in the unification of Nepalese principalities into one big state. Social circumstances are being analysed as an integral part of the many-sided process of unification. The paper also deals with the representation of the ideal state & society by the founders of the kingdom. The concept of dhungo is also discussed.

How to Cite

Markov, D. (2012). THE UNIFICATION OF NEPAL: THE POLITICAL & SOCIAL ASPECT (XVI – LATER HALF OF THE XVIII CC.). The World of the Orient, (4 (77), 62-77.
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dhungo, Gorkha, kingdom, Nepal, Nepalese, Political, Prithvi Narayan Shah, social aspect, The unification


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