

  О. Д. Василюк


Yuriy Kochubey was born in the teacher’s family on July 9, 1932 in Poltava. In 1950 he became a student at the Faculty of International Relations, Taras Shevchenko Kyiv University. In 1955 Yuriy Kochubey started working at the Press Department of the Ukrainian Society for Cultural Cooperation Abroad. Then he worked at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. Later he joined the Ukrainian Permanent Mission at the UN (New York) (1963–1968). After that he was the Permanent Delegate of Ukraine at the UNESCO (Paris), (1971–1977), President, Ukrainian National Commission for the UNESCO, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs (1981–1987), the UNESCO Assistant Director General (1987–1992), Ambassador of Ukraine to France and the Permanent Delegate to the UNESCO (1992–1997), a staff member of the Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine at the MFA (1998–2016). Since March 3, 2000 Yuriy Kochubey has been working as a Leading Researcher at the A. Yu. Krymsky Institute of Oriental Studies of the NAS of Ukraine. He was the Editor in Chief of the “World of the Orient” (1997–2009). He is also a member of the editorial boards of other scientific journals. He took part in the 29th, 35th , 37th and 38th Congresses of ICANAS, many international conferences and meetings. Yuriy Kochubey is the author of more than 160 published works. He holds Ph.D. in Philology (1977) and is a Doctor Honoris Causa (2007). He received the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine’s A. Krymsky Award (2002). Since 1982 he has been a member of the Association of Ukrainian Writers, he is also a member of the Shevchenko Scientific Society (Europe), Societé Asiatique (Paris) etc.

Як цитувати

Василюк, О. Д. (2017). ПРОФЕСІОНАЛ І ПАТРІОТ: ЮРІЮ МИКОЛАЙОВИЧУ КОЧУБЕЮ – 85. Східний світ, (3 (96), 102-105. вилучено із https://oriental-world.org.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/221
Переглядів статті: 173 | Завантажень PDF: 61


Ключові слова

патріот, Професіонал, Юрій Миколайович Кочубей

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