

  D. Shestopalets


The article grapples with the issue of the origins of the concept of al-wasaṭiyya, which has become the central theological presupposition for one of the most famous Muslim theologians and activists of the modern era Yusuf al-Qaradawi. Based on the variety of medieval and modern exegetical treatises, the author analyses the text of the ayah al-Baqara: 143, which has served as the major source for introducing and legitimization of this term. In addition to that, the paper deals with the problem of translation of the Quranic verse in question into European and Slavic languages. In conclusion, it is asserted that the meaning of al-wasaṭiyya as “moderation” or “middle way”, designated to represent the essence of the Islamic doctrine, comes as result of highly selective understanding of the ayah al-Baqara: 143 and not as a direct and unequivocal statement of the Quran itself.

How to Cite

Shestopalets, D. (2015). THE QURANIC ORIGINS OF THE WASAṬIYYA CONCEPT: A CRITICAL VIEW. The World of the Orient, (4 (89), 111-118.
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Concept, Critical View, The Quran, Wasaṭiyya


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