

  D. Burba


The article is devoted to the unification of spelling of names and terms borrowed from the Hindi language, in Ukrainian. This publication can be regarded as the continuation of the pre-vious article Orthographic Transcription of Sanskrit Names and Terms in Ukrainian. The new publication is primarily intended for those Ukrainian indologists and scholars in related scientific fields who don’t know the Hindi language, but who need to use Indian borrowings in their works. In particular, the article is designed to prevent errors caused by the mechanistic application of orthographic transcription rules of Sanskrit names and terms to Hindi loan words.
The author briefly describes the origin of the Hindi language and five etymological categories of Hindi words. The letters which have been added to the Hindi alphabet to introduce sounds of words borrowed from Persian, Arabic, Turkic, English, and Portuguese are listed. It is also noted that in Hindi those letter combinations that in Sanskrit are impossible due to the rule of saṃdhi or euphonic junction are not forbidden. Sanskrit spelling is purely phonetic, but in Hindi there are deviations from the phonetic principle. In the article the attention is paid to the schwa deletion in Hindi or the phonological phenomenon where neutral middle vowel [ə] is absent in the pronunciation of a particular word, although ideally it should have been pronounced. It is indicated that some of vowels and consonants in some words of the Hindi language can be replaced by others vowels and consonants without changing а meaning of the word. The difference of ISO 15919 which is the system of transliteration of Indic scripts into Latin characters, from International Alphabet of Sanskrit Transliteration (IAST) is noted. The formulated rules are summarized in compact tables.

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Hindi, orthography, Sanskrit, terminology, transcription, transliteration


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