

  D. Shestopalets


The article is devoted to the problem of interpretation of Taha, 5 and other ayats that mention the controversial issue of Allah’s establishment of the throne by medieval Muslim theologians.  Using a source study approach, the author analyzes the variety of viewpoints adopted by Muslim exegetes to explain the ayat avoiding anthropomorphic or overtly metaphorical interpretations. Although there are more than fifteen possible meanings attributed to the ayat at hand, the analysis reveals that the most important and widespread are the two adopted by traditionalists (salafi) and Ashari theological school (ashaira). While the former assumed that the text of the ayat should be accepted without any further attempts to explanation and reasoning (Allah established on the throne), the later, ashaira, preferred a metaphorical interpretation which postulated that Allah took hold of His throne (istawala). It is concluded that these interpretations of Taha, 5 are not just unimportant minor divergences – they constitute a part of the larger confrontation between the two trends in Islamic thought about the methodological principles of the understanding of sacred text – the Quran and Sunna. In the absence of any institutional form in Islam that would serve to resolve those contradictions and work out a single approach, these trends represent two competing models of Islamic orthodoxy which continue to struggle for dominance in the present time.

How to Cite

Shestopalets, D. (2012). THE PROBLEM OF INTERPRETATION OF THE AYAT TANA, 5 IN MEDIEVAL MUSLIM TRADITION. The World of the Orient, (3 (76), 115-126.
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DUMU, exegesis, Islam, Qur’ān, tafsir


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