

  A. Bogomolov

  S. Danylov

  I. Semyvolos


The article represents three case studies of conflicts around large land plots in the villages of Myrne, Molodizhne (both – Simferopol district) and Rivne (Chervonohvariidsky district) in Crimea. The former two cases represent unsettled disputes between large groups of Crimea Tatar claimants and the local authorities (also private plot owners in the case of Molodizhne), while the latter case study discusses a case of successful professional mediation with a strong back up on the part of local self-government that resulted in a settlement of the dispute. The article discusses the current mechanisms of land dispute resolution and the reasons why they often appear to be inefficient of insufficiently effective (courts, government-sponsored settlement commission and mediation). The article analyses the perceptions of the participants of protest actions in support of collective land claims, leaders of the organizations that protect the land rights and interests of different groups. Based on these perceptions and the analysis of the actual practices of dispute resolution, the authors suggests ways to ensure what could be viewed as a legitimate and socially fair approach to the land dispute resolution.

How to Cite

Bogomolov, A., Danylov, S., & Semyvolos, I. (2012). LAND DISPUTES AS A FACTOR OF SOCIAL CONFLICTS IN CRIMEA. The World of the Orient, (4 (77), 164-188.
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Crimea, Land disputes, social conflicts


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