

  I. Turov


Rabbinic authority and thinker R. Abraham Kook was an ardent supporter of the modernization of Jewish society. He strongly advocated the necessity of a return to political activity, the development of modern industry and agriculture, and, ultimately, the restoration of the national state in the land of Israel. The need for revolutionary changes was substantiated by our rabbi with the help of the Kabbalistic concepts. The same mystical ideas were widely used by the founders of Hasidism and their followers. This state of affairs allows us to substantiate a hypothesis of the significant influence of the Hasidim on the teaching of our author. It is confirmed by similar ways of interpretation of the above-mentioned mystical texts. Authoritative Kabbalists saw the universe as an arena of the permanent struggle between the forces of good and evil. Besht and his followers believed that every thing in our world is the embodiment of the Creator. Therefore it is good. R. Kook also denied the objectivity of evil. This, in turn, allowed him to believe in good principles hidden in the movement of Zionist Atheists.
Unlike most medieval mystics, the Hasidim saw in everyday things an instrument for nexus between world and Creator. The sacralization of modern production by r. Abraham is, of course, a more radical step. However, the mentioned interpretation of Besht’s followers helped our author to substantiate that his revolutionary conceptions are based on tradition.
In the works of r. Kook great attention is paid to the concept of capability of an outstanding leader to correct people’s souls in a supernatural way. This teaching has much in common with the Hasidic sermons about the role of tsaddik in the life of the community.
Proving of the influence of the Hasidim on the views of the famous thinker of religious Zionism reveals an interesting historical paradox. Although the leaders of this movement strongly opposed society modernization and the creation of the national Jewish state, their teaching significantly contributed to the development of these processes.

How to Cite

Turov, I. (2021). THE INFLUENCE OF THE HASIDIM ON THE TEACHINGS AND PUBLIC Сivil OF ABRAHAM KOOK. The World of the Orient, (1 (110), 65-84.
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Hasidism, kabbalah, Modernization, mysticism, nation state, politics, R. Abraham Kook, society renewal, Zionism


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