This article is concerned with some specificities of the Jewish liturgical poetry, which was written in Aramaic in the period between IV and VIII centuries, and especially – with ten poems from the Fragmentary Targum (MS Paris Hébr. 110). These poems, which were intended for liturgical recitation in the Shavu’oth festival, have not been translated in English, German or French before. Since these poems were written in different times, they reflect two main types of verse structure – the pre-classical (IV–VI cent.) and the classical (VI–VIII cent.) ones. This article is focused on the difference between poetical syntax and verse structure of the pre-classical and classical periods of history of the Jewish liturgical poetry.
How to Cite
commentaries, MS Paris Hébr. 110, notes. (Part I), Shavu’oth festival, Ten poems, translation
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Elbogen I. (1993), Jewish Liturgy: a Comprehensive History, Translated by Raymond Scheidlin, New York.
Heinemann J. (1973), “Remnants of Ancient Piyyuṭim in the Palestinian Targum Tradition”, in Hasifrut, No. 4.
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Rabbi Yitzchok Kirner with Lisa Aiken (1991), The Art of Jewish Prayer, Northvale, New Jersey and London.
Roberts C. H. (1976), Manuscript, Society and Belief in Early Christian Egypt, Oxford.
Rosén H. B. (1963), “Palestinian κοινη in Rabbinic Illustration”, in Journal of Semitic Studies, No. VII. https://doi.org/10.1093/jss/8.1.56
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Some Unpublished Piyyutim from the Cairo Genizah (1956), By Meir Wallenstein, Manchester.
Weinberger Leon J. (1998), Jewish Hymnography. A Literary History, London, Portland and Oregon. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv36zs6b
Zunz L. (1865), Literaturgeschichte der synagogalen Poesie, Berlin.
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