

  D. Shestopalets


The article reviews the main aspects of the representation of Islam in the publications of All-Ukrainian Association of Social Organizations “Alraid”. Based on the analysis of the materials published in the main official organ of this structure, the newspaper “Arraid”, the author identifies several key ideas that, in the opinion of ideologists of “Alraid”, are central to the successful development of Islam in Ukraine and in the world. The particular attention is devoted to the rhetorical analysis and deconstruction of these ideas in terms of their impact on the minds of Muslims. In conclusion of this research, the author outlines a set of the key issues that determine the deep ideological confrontation between “Alraid” and another major Islamic institution of Ukraine – the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Ukraine (“DUMU”).

How to Cite

Shestopalets, D. (2014). MODERATION, UNITY, AND TOLERANCE: THE REPRESENTATION OF ISLAM IN THE DISCOURSE OF “ALRAID”. The World of the Orient, (4 (85), 162-171.
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Discourse of “Alraid”, Moderation, Representation of Islam, Tolerance, Unity


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