

  D. Tsolin


Although the methodology of diachronic analysis of the Biblical Hebrew still needs to be improved, some achievements in this area may be applied to dating of some texts of the Old Testament. Besides the method of dating of the diachronic stratum of language on the base of lexicon and phraseology, the syntactic to the diachrony of Hebrew approach (which has been developed in the last decades) deserves attention. In some cases results of the diachronic analysis contradict some popular among scholars theories of the origin of biblical text. First of all, it concerns the so called source “P” (Priestercodex), which according to the “documentary theory” was written in VI century BC or some later: its language demonstrates all characteristics of the earlier diachronic stratum of Hebrew. This article is concerned with a review of the main achievements in the area of the diachrony of Biblical Hebrew and their influence on the concept of the biblical text origin.

How to Cite

Tsolin, D. (2015). DIACHRONY OF THE BIBLICAL HEBREW AND “THE DOCUMENTARY THEORY”. The World of the Orient, (1 (86), 92-105. https://doi.org/10.15407/orientw2015.01.092
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Biblical Hebrew, Diachrony, “the Documentary Theory”


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קויפמן י. תולדות האמונה הישראלית. כ. א-ח. ירושלים-תל-אביב 1946–1947

הורביץ א. בין לשון ללשון. לתולדות לשון המקרא בימי בית שני. ירושלים 1972


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Qvfmn Y. tvldvt hmvnh hshrlt. kh. ’-ch. yrvshlm-tl-vv 1946–1947. (In Hebrew).

Hvrvtz ’. vn lshvn llshvn. lsvldvs lshvn hmkr vm vs shn. yrvshlm 1972. (In Hebrew).