

  A. Bogomolov


The article addresses some methodological concerns resulting from application of Ch. J. Fillmore’s frame semantic approach to the analysis of a series of concepts shaping the discourse of the Egyptian Arab Spring. Applicability of the approach is based on understanding that each concept may be presented as a frame structure, comprised of a set of core and non-core elements. A matching English frame can also sometimes be found on Fillmore-inspired FrameNet with at least some frame elements corresponding to Arabic (e. g. Revenge largely matches Arabic QIṢĀṢ/RETALIATION). The idiosyncratic part of the Arabic concept is, however, not only about the difference in the set of frame elements (QIṢĀṢ has at least one more core element compared to the English Revenge), but also about particular ideas associated with the concept, such as the “speediness” and “moral imperativeness” of QIṢĀṢ. When traveling across discourses, concepts also appear to demonstrate a high degree of variability, which FrameNet does not account for, while it does provide a lot of interesting material for a comparative study.

How to Cite

Bogomolov, A. (2015). A FRAME-SEMANTIC APPROACH TO ANALYZING CONCEPTS AS COMPLEX SEMANTIC UNITS OF POLITICAL DISCOURSE. The World of the Orient, (2 (87), 90-101. https://doi.org/10.15407/orientw2015.02.090
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analyzing concepts, complex semantic units, frame-semantic approach, political discourse


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