

  S. Kapranov


The article is devoted to the views of Japanese political thinker Kita Ikki (1883–1937) upon the modernization of China. In the first part of the article a brief biography of the thinker is presented, which focuses on his relations with the Chinese revolutionaries and participation in Xinhai Revolution of 1911. Next, the main ideas about China’s modernization in major works of Kita Ikki are considered in chronological order. The present article demonstrates the changes of his views on Confucianism, the peculiarities of his understanding of modernization and its ways, and connection between the modernization of China and that of Japan.

How to Cite

Kapranov, S. (2015). KITA IKKI AND THE MODERNIZATION OF CHINA. The World of the Orient, (4 (89), 45-56.
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China, Japan, Japan-China relationships, Japanese socio-political thought, Kita Ikki, Modernization, Pan-Asianism


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