

  Yu. Kochubey


The article shows the importance of Ya. Dashkevych’s works in the context of dealing with multiple problems of relations between Ukrainians and all representatives of ethnical minorities after the Proclamation of Independence. His approach to the analysis of history and actual situation at that time has shown the alternative way to the solutions of many mythologized and politicized problems. He analyzed the situation concerning all minorities in general but specifically scrutinized the situation of minorities of Oriental origin which live on the territory of Ukraine. Some of Ya. Dashkevych’s researches regarding the Armenian population have got high recognition of many scholars from different countries. The article describes his research in history and actual problems of the Crimean Tatars, Jews and Karaims. It is stressed that the Ukrainians and the Crimean Tatars often fought together against common enemies, have maintained and developed close political and economic relations relations.

Ya. Dashkevych scrutinized rather complicated relations between Ukrainians and Jews with all possible objectivity and depth, moreover, destroyed the myths about their innate animosity. He underlined that the character of relations between these peoples should be evaluated not on the basis of three-four years experience of bloody clashes but on 356 years of normal life in the same country. Ya. Dashkevych frequently emphasized that almost one-third of European Jews lived in Ukraine.

Ya. Dashkevych on the base of one studied ancient document has made an attempt to shed some light on the history of emergence on the territory of Ukraine such a minority as the Karaims, described their role in social and economic life of the country. He also managed to defend the good name of distinguished Karaite scholar A. Firkowicz who became a victim of unfair criticism.

How to Cite

Kochubey, Y. (2016). JAROSLAV DASHKEVYCH AND THE PROBLEMS OF NATIONAL MINORITIES IN UKRAINE. The World of the Orient, (4 (93), 18-22. https://doi.org/10.15407/orientw2016.04.018
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Dashkevych, National Minorities, Ukraine


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