

  S. Kapranov


The article is devoted to the pedagogical activities of the Japanese scholar and philosopher Okawa Shumei (1886–1957), more known for his political activities and religiophilosophical views. The article consists of two parts according to the two periods of his university career. In the first period (1920–1932), Okawa lectured on colonial policy, colonial history and the situation in the East at the University of Takushoku. At the same time, since 1922, he was a member of the Institute of Social Education, also known as Daigakuryo, where first taught the history of civilization and the Japanese spirit studies, and later, the philosophy of life. In the second period (1938– 1945) Okawa served as dean of the continental faculty of the University of Hosei. At the same time, he created an elite educational institution – the Institute of Foreign Languages of Showa, also known as Zuikoryo, where he lectured on colonial history and Islamic studies. He proved himself to be a talented teacher, able to establish and maintain a friendly relationship with students, enjoyed their authority and popularity, as well as a capable manager and organizer of the learning process. It should be noted that the field of knowledge that was most important for Okawa – the philosophy of religion – did not find application in his pedagogical activities. The same is true of other scholarly discipline important for him – indology, as well as of Confucianism, which was the basis of his own philosophy. The most controversial feature of Okawa’s pedagogical activity was its inextricable link with politics, which gave grounds for accusations against him in post-war time. Nevertheless, at the end of the twentieth century his contribution to the development of intellectual potential of Japan has earned recognition.

How to Cite

Kapranov, S. (2017). PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITIES OF OKAWA SHUMEI. The World of the Orient, (4 (97), 18-26.
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Asianism, colonial studies, higher education in Japan, Islamic Studies, Okawa Shumei


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