

  Ю. М. Кочубей


Стаття є свого роду історико-бібліографічним вступом до вивчення історії, релігії, культурної спадщини караїмського народу – нечисленного корінного народу нашої країни. Йдеться про історію караїмознавства на Заході (в основному в Західній Європі) і про ту полеміку, яка постійно супроводжує дослідницьку роботу.

Як цитувати

Кочубей, Ю. М. (2013). КАРАЇМСЬКІ СТУДІЇ НА ЗАХОДІ (КІНЕЦЬ ХХ – ПОЧАТОК ХXІ ст.) (ІСТОРІОГРАФІЧНО-БІБЛІОГРАФІЧНИЙ ВСТУП). Східний світ, (1 (78), 124-129. https://doi.org/10.15407/orientw2013.01.124
Переглядів статті: 158 | Завантажень PDF: 61


Ключові слова

Історіографічно-бібліографічний вступ, Караїмські студії


Хаджи Серайя Хан Шапшал – выдающийся сын караимского народа. Симферополь, 2010.

Шапшал С.М. Караимы СССР в отношении этническом. Караимы на службе крымских ханов. Симферополь, 2004.

Ankori Zvi. Karaites in Byzantium: The Formative years, 970–1100. New York, 1968.

Caraimica. International Quarterly Review: Simferopol=Slippery Rock (USA).

Dubinski Aleksander. Caraimica. Prace karaimoznawcze. Warszawa, 1994.

Dunlop D.M. The History of the Jewish Khazars. Princeton, N.J. 1945.

Csato Eva A. Report on an Uppsala Workshop on Karaim Studies // Turkik Languags (November 2010).

Gini Corrado. I Caraimi di Polonia e Lituania // Genus (Roma). Vol. 2, № 1/2. 1936.

International Symposium on the Karaite Studies. Proceedings (05–08 April 2010). Bilecik/Turkiye, 2011.

Karaite Jewish University // http://www.kjuonline.com/home.htm

Kizilov M. Karaites through the Travelers’ Eyes: Ethnic History, Traditional Culture and Everyday Life of the Crimean Karaites According to Descriptions of the Travelers. New York, 2003.

Kizilov M. The Karaites of Galicia: An Ethnoreligious Minority among the Ashkenazim, the Turks and the Slavs, 1772–1945. Leiden, 2009.

Miller Ph.E. ed. Karaite Separatism in Nineteenth-Century Russia: Joseph Solomon Lutski’s Epistle of Israel’s Deliverance. Cincinnati, 1993. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctt16f997x

Nemoy Leon. Karaite Anthology. New Haven, 1952.

Polliak Meira ed. Karaite Judaism: A Guide to its History and Literary Sources. Leiden, 2003. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004294264

Pritsak O. Das Karaimiscze // Philologiae Turcicae Fundamenta. Vol. I. Wiesbaden, 1959.

Ross Dan. Acts of Faith. A Journey to the Fringes of Jewish Identity. New York, 1982&1984.

Sapsal S. Kırım Karay Turkleri // Turk yılı. Istanbul, 1928.

Schur Nathan. History of the Karaites. Frankfurt/M, 1992.

Schur Nathan. The Karaite Encyclopedia. Frankfurt/M, 1995.

Shahrastānī. Livre des religions et des sectes / Collection UNESCO d’oeuvres representatives. Serie arabe. [Paris], 1986.

Shapira Dan I. Avraham Firkowicz in Istanbu (1830–1832). Paving the Way for Turkic Nationalism. Ankara, 2003.

Shapira Dan I. A Jewish Pan-Turkist: Seraya Szapszal (Sapsaloglu) and his Work “Qirim Qaray Turkleri” // Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. А. 58, 2005, No. 4. https://doi.org/10.1556/AOrient.58.2005.4.3

Szyszman S. Le Karaisme. Ses doctrines et son histoire. Lausanne, 1980.

Szyszman S. Les Karaites d’Europe. History. Language. Folklore. Science. Uppsala, 1989.

The al-Qirqisani Center for the Promotion of Karaite Studies. URL: http://www.karaitejudaism.com/qirqisani/index.html

The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia. Vol. 6. New York, 1948.

Wallfish Barry Dov, Kizilov M. Bibliographia Caraitica. An annotated Bibliography on Karaites and Karaism, Karaite Textbooks and Studies. In 2 vols. Leiden, 2010. https://doi.org/10.1163/ej.9789004189270.i-810

Yaron Y., Pessaah J., Qanai A., El Gami Y. An Introduction to Karaite Judaism: Theology, Practice and Culture // The Qirqisani Centre, 2003.

Zajączkowski Ananiasz. Caraims in Poland. Warszawa, La Haye, Paris, 1961.

Zajączkowski Ananiasz. Khazarian Culture and its Inheritors // Acta Orientalia Hungarica. Budapest, 1961а. T. 12. Z. 1–3.

Zajączkowski Ananiasz. Die karaimiscze Literatur // Philologiae Turcicae Fundamenta. Vol. 2. Wiesbaden, 1964.


Khadzhi Serayya Khan Shapshal – vydayushchiysya syn karaimskogo naroda (2010), Simferopol. (In Russian).

Shapshal S. M. (2004), Karaimy SSSR v otnoshenii etnicheskom. Karaimy na sluzhbe krymskikh khanov, Simferopol. (In Russian).

Ankori Zvi (1968), Karaites in Byzantium: The Formative years, 970–1100. New York.

Caraimica, International Quarterly Review, Simferopol=Slippery Rock (USA).

Dubinski Aleksander (1994), Caraimica. Prace karaimoznawcze, Warszawa.

Dunlop D. M. (1945), The History of the Jewish Khazars, Princeton, N.J.

Csato Eva A. (2010), “Report on an Uppsala Workshop on Karaim Studies”, in Turkik Languags, (November).

Gini Corrado (1936), “I Caraimi di Polonia e Lituania”, in Genus (Roma), Vol. 2, No. 1/2.

International Symposium on the Karaite Studies (2011), Proceedings (05–08 April 2010), Bilecik/Turkiye.

Karaite Jewish University, available at: www.kjuonline.com/home.htm

Kizilov M. (2003), Karaites through the Travelers’ Eyes: Ethnic History, Traditional Culture and Everyday Life of the Crimean Karaites According to Descriptions of the Travelers, New York.

Kizilov M. (2009), The Karaites of Galicia: An Ethnoreligious Minority among the Ashkenazim, the Turks and the Slavs, 1772–1945, Leiden.

Miller Ph. E. (Ed.) (1993), Karaite Separatism in Nineteenth-Century Russia: Joseph Solomon Lutski’s Epistle of Israel’s Deliverance, Cincinnati. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctt16f997x

Nemoy Leon (1952), Karaite Anthology, New Haven.

Polliak Meira (Ed.) (2003), Karaite Judaism: A Guide to its History and Literary Sources, Leiden. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004294264

Pritsak O. (1959), “Das Karaimiscze”, in Philologiae Turcicae Fundamenta, Vol. I, Wiesbaden.

Ross Dan (1982&1984), Acts of Faith. A Journey to the Fringes of Jewish Identity, New York.

Sapsal S. (1928), “Kırım Karay Turkleri”, in Turk yılı, Istanbul. (In Turkish).

Schur Nathan (1992), History of the Karaites, Frankfurt/M.

Schur Nathan (1995), The Karaite Encyclopedia, Frankfurt/M.

Shahrastānī (1986), Livre des religions et des sects, Collection UNESCO d’oeuvres representatives, Serie arabe, [Paris].

Shapira Dan I. (2003), Avraham Firkowicz in Istanbu (1830–1832). Paving the Way for Turkic Nationalism, Ankara.

Shapira Dan I. (2005), “A Jewish Pan-Turkist: Seraya Szapszal (Sapsaloglu) and his Work ‘Qirim Qaray Turkleri’ ”, in Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, А. 58, No. 4. https://doi.org/10.1556/AOrient.58.2005.4.3

Szyszman S. (1980), Le Karaisme. Ses doctrines et son histoire, Lausanne.

Szyszman S. (1989), Les Karaites d’Europe. History. Language. Folklore. Science, Uppsala.

The al-Qirqisani Center for the Promotion of Karaite Studies, available at: www.karaitejudaism.com/qirqisani/index.html

The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia (1948), Vol. 6, New York,

Wallfish Barry Dov and Kizilov M. (2010), Bibliographia Caraitica. An annotated Bibliography on Karaites and Karaism, Karaite Textbooks and Studies, In 2 vols., Leiden. https://doi.org/10.1163/ej.9789004189270.i-810

Yaron Y., Pessaah J., Qanai A. and El Gami Y. (2003), “An Introduction to Karaite Judaism: Theology, Practice and Culture”, in The Qirqisani Centre.

Zajączkowski Ananiasz (1961), Caraims in Poland, Warszawa, La Haye, Paris.

Zajączkowski Ananiasz (1961а), “Khazarian Culture and its Inheritors”, in Acta Orientalia Hungarica, Budapest, T. 12, Z. 1–3.

Zajączkowski Ananiasz (1964), “Die karaimiscze Literatur”, in Philologiae Turcicae Fundamenta, Vol. 2, Wiesbaden.

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