

  O. Khamray


The author assumes that the descriptions of languages with codified grammar are intended to bring the forms and constructions found in “correct” speech into the register of “correct”. In the case of classical Arabic, it is the language of Arabic texts of the classical period, even if they have been used in oral form for a long time and were recorded much later than originated.
Within the framework of the proposed study, the linguistic facts existing in the literary and modern standard Arabic are considered as a subset of the linguistic facts of the classical Arabic.
Even a cursory glance at the descriptions of the grammatical system of the Arabic is sufficient to see the difference in approaches to the description of the grammatical system from the standpoint of different grammatical traditions and schools.
If in the early stages of Arabic linguistic tradition correctness was interpreted as conformity to authoritative patterns of Arabic speech (mainly of Bedouins), then with the beginning of the codification of Arabic grammar, the rules founded on authoritative inferences based on “correct speech” began to play an increasingly important role. The judgments by analogy (qiyās), and the idea of the truth of these rules were based on the comparison of samples of real speech of that time with ideal patterns, which were considered correct and true by default due to the authority of the texts that represented them..
In other words, these patterns, as well as considerations of their correctness, were in the realm of the ideal, that is, in the “imaginary world”.
Much later, namely in the early twentieth century, the development of analytical philosophy showed possible points of conjunction of this imaginary world with the real one in the field of language and speech.
The author proposes to apply the techniques and methods that have developed in different fields of linguistic research and philosophical sciences, primarily in logic, to analyze the correlation of ideas about the “correct Arabic language” with real speech. The researcher considers the criteria by which true reasoning can be distinguished from false one both in terms of form and content, and concludes that it is impossible to define universal criteria that would unambiguously assess the correctness of Arabic grammatical forms and constructions outside the tradition of their study.
The author also notes that due to the large prescriptive component of classical studies of traditional Arabic grammar, it is important to consider the opinion of specific authoritative Arab scholars of the classical period about specific grammatical phenomena of the Arabic language in order to understand reasons leading to assessment of correctness of grammar patterns and constructions as well as the truth of criteria for such assessment.

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Arabic, Arabic linguistic tradition, grammatical forms, grammatical meaning, analytical philosophy



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