

  S. Pavlenko


The article analyzes the activities of Bunichiro Tanaka as a Japanese imperial consul in Odessa in the period from 1930 to 1934. The history of Japanese representation in South Palmyra dates back to the Russian Empire in the 1890s. In 1910 it was temporarily closed. A new stage in the history of the Japanese Imperial Consulate in Odessa dates back to the 1920s and 1930s. The institution was officially opened on January 4, 1926.
The first consul was Seigo Sasaki (佐 々 木 静 吾; 1926). His main task was to establish the activities of the institution. Then the consulate was headed by: Kamimura Shiniti (同上 村 伸 一; 1926–1927), Shimada Shigeru (島 田 滋; 1927–1930), Naguchi Yashio (野 口 芳 雄; 1930), Tanaka Bunichiro (1930–1934) and Hirata Minoru (平 田 稔; 1934–1937). During the period of B. Tanaka’s consulate there were difficult socio-political events – the deterioration of the material and living standards of the population, the constant food crisis, repression, the Holodomor.
The Soviet government pursued a purposeful policy of restricting the activities of foreign representatives in the USSR. B. Tanaka was placed under constant secret surveillance. Tanaka differed from his predecessors by rather harsh statements about living conditions in Soviet society. However, they were limited to the sphere of private relations, and were not made public. But even under such conditions, these statements quickly became known to Soviet counterintelligence.
B. Tanaka made a series of business trips to Ukraine and personally had the opportunity to see the living conditions of the population and its impoverishment. He sent the results of his research to Tokyo in the form of reports. B. Tanaka informed about the financial situation, the situation of the peasants, the implementation of collectivization policy, the food crisis, industrialization, living conditions of workers, economic development, the state of shipping, international trade and more. Thus, the reports of B. Tanaka are the valuable historical source that sheds light at one of the most tragic pages of USSR history.

How to Cite

Pavlenko, S. (2021). CONSUL “UNDER THE WATCHFUL EYE”: BUNICHIRO TANAKA IN ODESSA. The World of the Orient, (1 (110), 18-34.
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B. Tanaka, consul, Holodomor, industrialization, Japan, Odessa, Ukraine, USSR


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