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“Part of Odessa Consulate”, in Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, available at: www.jacar.go.jp/DAS/meta/imageen_B10074377000
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“Report from Consul in Odessa on orders of samples of goods to be displayed at the repository from dealer Part ”, in Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, available at: www.jacar.go.jp/DAS/meta/imageen_B10074396900
“Report from Consul in Odessa on orders of samples of goods to be displayed at the repository from merchant Part 2”, in Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, available at: www.jacar.go.jp/DAS/meta/image_B10074397000
“Roshia kuni ‘Odessa’ minato bōeki no keikyō torishirabe ichi-ken”, in Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, available at: www.jacar.go.jp/DAS/meta/image_B10073848100 (In Japanese).

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