

  D. Shestopalets


The article deals with the problem of the sharia punishment for stealing as it was formulated in the Quranic ayat al-Ma’ida, 38. Using a source study approach the author investigates how the norms and procedures established in the Quran and confirmed in the Sunna have been interpreted in the Islamic legal and exegetical tradition. A special attention is paid to the methods which were employed by Muslim jurists to limit the scope of the application of amputating hands and also the strategies of legitimating the punishment as a necessary step towards establishing a just social order.

How to Cite

Shestopalets, D. (2013). ON THE ISSUE OF SOCIAL NORMS IN THE QURAN: INTERPRETATIONS OF AYAT AL-MA’IDA, 38 IN ISLAMIC EXEGETICAL TRADITION. The World of the Orient, (1 (78), 160-167. https://doi.org/10.15407/orientw2013.01.160
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exegesis, Islam, punishment, Qur’ān, tafsir, theft


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