

  D. Tsolin


This article is concerned with specific functions of ellipsis in the poetical discourse. The poetry of the targums (translations of the Pentateuch into Aramaic, I–VIII centuries AD) has been chosen for this research, since these poetical texts contain two different types of versification – the depended on syntactic patterns parallel verse (imitation of Hebrew parallelismus membrorum) and the verse structure which is oriented to rhythm-phonetic models without certain syntactic models (so called piyyutim – liturgical poems). The main conclusions concern specificity of interaction between the ellipsis and the rhythm-phonetic devices of poetry, as well as the functioning of ellipsis in poetical discourse.

How to Cite

Tsolin, D. (2014). ELLIPSIS IN THE POETRY OF THE TARGUMS. The World of the Orient, (4 (85), 143-155. https://doi.org/10.15407/orientw2014.04.143
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Ellipsis, Poetry, Targums


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