The main work by Yu. Lypa in this field is his treatise “The Partition of Russia” (1941). He explores the continuity of foreign policy of the Russian State in relation to neighbouring countries, first of all in Asia. He demonstrates how step by step the territory of the Russian State was expanded because of conjugation of diplomatic stratagems with rude military force. Yu. Lypa always marks that Russian rulers do not hesitate to use bribery of elite, creation of the “fifth column”, terror, massive deportation of population in order to enslave neighbouring peoples and later to spoil and to exploit them. Much attention he payed to the history of the conquest of the Central Asia and of the Far East territories. Much place he devoted to the activities of the tsarist Russia in China, Korea, Manchuria and gives explanation of failures of the tsarist government in this region despite the use by them of “Eurasian theory”. Yu. Lypa comes to a conclusion that the “Bolsheviks” did not invent something new but just followed the tsarist policies in Asia.
How to Cite
Euroasian Policy, History, Russia
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