This publication presents the Ukrainian translation of chapters seven through ten of the first section of the fundamental Sanskrit treatise on Ayurveda (traditional Indian medicine) Charaka Samhita. The seventh chapter considers non-suppression of natural urges. In this chapter, negative consequences from the suppression of various natural urges and given remedies are described. At the same time, it is noted that one desirous of his well-being should suppress urges relating to rashness and evil deeds. There are given requirements that, in fact, correspond to the biblical commandments. The author, also, recommend to keep healthy lifestyle, maintain a good social circle and do exercises. Part of the seventh chapter is devoted to the harmonization of diet with a bodily constitution, as well as the prevention of endogenous diseases and diseases caused by external factors. The eighth chapter first talks about the senses and the psyche. Then it provides instruction on behavior, which is appropriate from the standpoint of religion, morality, social norms and hygiene. The ninth and tenth chapters are dedicated to the description of the “quadruple of therapeutics”, which are the physician, the medicament, the attendant and the patient. The tenth chapter divides diseases into mild, severe and incurable types. Incurable diseases, in turn, are divided into those that are amenable to palliative treatment or not amenable. Quite interesting is the controversy between the author and his opponent, who says that the physician’s work is useless.
How to Cite
antiquity, Ayurveda, Charaka, India, samhita, Sanskrit, therapy, translation
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The Charaka-Samhita by Mahamuni Agnibesha, revised by Maharshi Charaka (1897), compiled and edited by Kabiraj Debendranath Sen and Kabiraj Upendranath Sen, Dhanvantari Meśin Yantra, Calcutta. (In Sanskrit).
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