Intellectual potential manifests itself in different ways in different epochs and countries. In certain periods of history, the fundamental science, technical achievements, the presence of large universities or the level of education of the entire population, etc., came to the fore to ensure the intellectual potential of the state. As many scientists argue the condition of science and education of the state is one important of the main factors that determine the intellectual potential in the modern world. The author considers the definition of the concept of intellectual potential, the state of problem development, as well as the methodology for assessing the state of intellectual potential at the macro level commonly used in scientific research. In this study, the author dwells on the consideration of intellectual potential at the macro level, since it aims to highlight the state of the issue at the society and state level, in particular, Vietnam. The article is devoted to the current state of the systems of education and science of Vietnam and their influence on the formation and development of intellectual potential of this country at the macro level. Saturation of scientific and pedagogical personnel, expenses for scientific research, development of material and technical base of science and education allows to determine the current state and vector of the future economic development of society. This study provides a description of the functioning of the spheres of education and science, as well as an attempt to determine how creating conditions for competitive education and science affects the development of intellectual potential. The article examines educational and scientific opportunities for the development of intellectual potential of Vietnam, based on the legislative framework and national strategy, as well as statistical data in the relevant fields.
How to Cite
education of Vietnam, intellectual potential, science of Vietnam, scientific research, technology development
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