

  S. Pavlenko


The article explores the history of the operation of the Japanese Consulate in Odessa during the stay in state institutions consul Seyґo Sasaki, Russian-Japanese and Soviet-Japanese relations, the regional dimension of the formation of Ukrainian-Japanese contacts and history of Odessa in the 1900s and 1920s.
The study is based primarily on documents from the Diplomatic Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. It is emphasized that the main function of the Japanese Imperial Consulate in Odessa, which operated from the 1890s to 1937, was not to ensure the interests of the diaspora or the development of economic ties, but to gather information about the region and explore opportunities for bilateral trade relations.
S. Sasaki was twice appointed to the staff of the institution: in the early 20th century and in 1920, that is imperial and Soviet times. Due to this, his memoirs, to which the author of the study refers, capture the cardinal economic and political changes in the life of the region and are an interesting historical source. In particular, during his first appointment to Odessa, S. Sasaki witnessed terrorist acts, revolutionary events and the reactionary state policy of the Russian Empire.
In the 1920’s, one of the priority areas of research for Consul S. Sasaki was the observation of the port of Odessa and its ways of communication. S. Sasaki stated that the negative factor influencing the volume of Japanese exports to the Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic was the lack of clear knowledge of Japanese entrepreneurs about the economic situation in the Soviet state. Despite the complexity of Soviet-Japanese relations, the consul pointed to the rather positive and favorable attitude of the local population to residents of Japan.

How to Cite

Pavlenko, S. (2021). S. SASAKI: MEMORIES OF ODESSA AND THE CONSULAR SERVICE. The World of the Orient, (3 (112), 39-54. https://doi.org/10.15407/orientw2021.03.039
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consul, Japan, Japanese consulate, Odessa, Russian-Japanese relations, S. Sasaki, Soviet-Japanese relations, terror, Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic, Ukrainian-Japanese contacts


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