This publication presents the Ukrainian translation of the second chapter of Bhagavadgita. This book is the most famous of the Hindu Scriptures, so it is often called the Gospel of Hinduism. The Bhagavadgita is part of the grand Indian epic Mahabharata, which volume is three times that of the Bible. However, the Bhagavadgita itself is a relatively small religious and philosophical poem consisting of 700 verses, which fill chapters from 23 to 40 of the Critical Edition of the sixth book of the Mahabharata (or chapters from 25 to 42 in other editions). This text composed perhaps in the 1st or 2nd century CE.
The second chapter is called Samkhya Yoga. This one is also the second-largest chapter of the Bhagavadgita, since it contains 72 verses and is inferior only the eighteenth chapter in this respect. Although the word sāṁkhya is the name of one of the six systems of Indian philosophy, there this term should be understood in a wide sense, which means reasoning.
Second chapter postulates fundamental concepts of Hinduism such as the eternity of the soul, its beginingless and endless. Is proclaimed, death be only change of the worn out material body, which for a soul is similar to a garment. The chapter says the unreal (i. e. matter) has no existence and the real (i. e. spirit), never ceases to be. The theme of selfless activity is developed. Two definitions of yoga are given, namely ‘Equanimity is called yoga’ and ‘Yoga is skill in action.’
The concepts and realities considered in second chapter are explained by the translator in notes, with quotations from the Mahabharata, as well as by citing the Vedanta Sutras, Yoga Sutras, Laws of Manu, Upanihsads, Arthashastra, Sankya Karika, and other classical texts of Hinduism.
How to Cite
Bhagavadgita, Hinduism, India, Mahabharata, religion, Sanskrit, translation
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