

  Yu. Petrova


The article deals with the process of development of the Christian (namely Orthodox) liturgical terminology as a part of the lexical structure of the Arabic Standard language. The beginnings of original Christian literature in Arabic go back to the 8th century. On the one hand, Arabic Christian vocabulary was influenced by the Aramaic language due to the situation of bilingualism that existed for centuries; on the other hand, each Middle Eastern Christian community developed a terminological system that reflects some specific features related to the religious traditions, culture and linguistic history of the region.
The Arabic Christian Orthodox vocabulary has been developed under the strong influence of Byzantine tradition. As the 17th–18th centuries manuscripts witness, majority of Church terms were Greek loanwords that circulated widely and were in common use among the Arab Orthodox (Melkite) community.
In this paper the ratio of the terms of several thematic groups from the Orthodox liturgical tradition has been analyzed, based on the manuscripts of the period mentioned and contemporary editions of the Churches of Antioch and Jerusalem. Within the set of lexemes analyzed here, the quantity of Greek loans, Greek and Arabic doublets, as well as contemporary lexical items that have undergone some changes or have remained unchanged – if compared with their analogues in the manuscript sources – was identified. Comparison of lexical items found in the manuscript sources and in the contemporary texts proves that a number of original Greek terms have become archaisms and have been replaced with Arabic equivalents. At the same time, as can be observed, the majority of the terms used in the Ottoman epoch coincide with those used nowadays. It can be concluded that the main part of Arabic Orthodox liturgical terminology was formed in the 17th century in the period of the Melkite Renaissance, due to the translation and editorial activities of the Metropolitan of Aleppo Meletius Karma and his disciples.

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Arab Christians, Christian vocabulary, Greek loanwords, liturgical terminology, Melkite Renaissance, Melkites


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