

  S. Pavlenko


The article analyzes the activities of Kametaro Iijima as the Japanese Imperial Consul in Odessa during the period 1902–1906. At that stage of the development of Russian-Japanese relations, there was escalation due to the collision of the interests of the states in Korea and China, which led to the war of 1904–1905 and further resumption of peaceful interstate relations. The political situation directly influenced the working conditions of the Japanese consulates on the territory of the Russian Empire. Collecting information on mobilization processes in the South of the Russian Empire and the potential of the Black Sea Navy was a priority for K. Iijima. The establishment of the Anglo-Japanese Union (1902) became the legal basis for establishing communications and exchanging information between the consuls of Japan and Great Britain in Odessa. An important question for Tokyo the day before and during the war of 1904–1905 was whether Russia would use the Black Sea Navy in the course of hostilities. To investigate the matter, after the temporary closure of the establishment in Odessa and the beginning of the military conflict, K. Iijima as an undercover agent was sent to Istanbul. Despite the priority of the military-strategic sphere, in the period of 1902–1903 the consul actively researched the economic potential of the region, trade conditions, oil market, ways of connection of the Odessa port, etc. Despite the overall complexity of Russian-Japanese relations, no significant contradictions were found in the relationship between the consul and the local administration during the period under review. This allowed in 1906 to resume the activities of the Japanese Imperial Consulate in Odessa without further difficulty.

How to Cite

Pavlenko, S. (2020). KAMETARO IIJIMA (JAPANESE IMPERIAL CONSUL IN ODESSA): WORKING IN CONFLICT-FRIENDLY RELATIONSHIPS. The World of the Orient, (1 (106), 55-68. https://doi.org/10.15407/orientw2020.01.055
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Anglo-Japanese Union, Consul, Japan, Odessa, Russian Empire, Russian-Japanese War


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