

  O. Khamray


The term “invariant” can be defined as a feature or a set of investigated features or system objects that remain unchanged during all transformations caused by the interaction of the initial system with the environment. A prototype is a reference representative of meaning, provided that the categories appear in the “best examples”, and the prototype approach may be inherent in human thinking in general. The concepts of an invariant and a prototype can be connected with each other for the purpose of using them in the description of grammatical phenomena using the concept of semantic determinant, which we define as the dominant attribute, quality, or property of grammatical meaning, which allows us to distinguish the basic contrast of grammatical forms.
By an invariant of grammatical meaning, we mean a certain characteristic of an object, based on which we can combine a certain number of grammatical forms within one taxonomic class, and by a prototype a certain value of a grammatical form that can be accepted as standard for a particular grammatical category.
An example is the alternation a ~ i / u that occurs in the Arabic, which obviously took place at the long stages of the development of the Afro-Asian macro-family, is found in many languages and can be associated with archaic features of the grammatical system of the language.
In particular, an opposition of the type fa‘ala / fuʻila will correspond to the basic semantic determinant of the accusative-nominative Arabic by transferring the category of pledge, while the corresponding invariant can be determined through the opposition of extroversion / introversion, and the prototype is the basic for the designation of the category of voice.
But if the opposition correlated with the same invariant cannot be correlated with the prototypes “standard” for the grammatical categories represented in modern Arabic, as, for example, in the case of the opposition faʻala / faʻila (faʻala / faʻula), we can assume that the corresponding prototypes took place at the previous stages of the development of the grammatical system and were determined by other semantic determinants.
Taking into account that these phenomena can be determined in the context of various subsystems of the language, their study within the same grammatical category can present certain difficulties, as in the case of the above vocal alternation. At the same time, the structured approach proposed by the author to the study of its grammatical meaning provides an opportunity to see the probable causes of the current state of its implementation in the modern language.

How to Cite

Khamray, O. (2022). A DETERMINANT APPROACH TO THE DESCRIPTION OF ARABIC VERB MORPHOLOGY. The World of the Orient, (2 (107), 135-154. https://doi.org/10.15407/orientw2020.02.135
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ablaut alternation, Arabic, Arabic verb morphology, invariants and prototypes of grammatical meaning, semantic determinants


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