

  S. Kapranov


The article is devoted to the study of the activities of the prominent Japanese thinker and politician Kita Ikki during the period associated with the revolutionary events in China. This period is divided into four parts: (1) cooperation with Chinese political emigrants in Tokyo (1906–1911); (2) the first stay in China and participation in the Xinhai Revolution (1911–1913); (3) involuntary return to Japan (1913–1916); (4) second stay in China (1916–1919). The study shows that at the first stage, his views sharply radicalized. The initial impetus to this was the awareness of the impossibility of a peaceful, evolutionary path of transformation. Entry into the circle of “continental ronins” and Chinese political emigrants gave Kita’s activities a new, external direction: through the revolution in China to the world revolution. Familiarity with the ideas of the Russian Populists, Socialists-Revolutionaries and anarchists increased his conviction of the need for revolutionary violence. At the second stage, the experience of participating in the Xinhai Revolution led to a rethinking of the drivers of the revolution, its strategy and tactics. In addition, Kita comes to understand the need for radical changes in Japanese politics towards China, and directs his efforts in 1913–1916 to achive this goal. At the same time, his experience led to a deep spiritual crisis, the exit from which Kita found in religion, namely, the teachings of Nichiren. Finally, the second stay in China (1916–1919) convinced him about the impossibility of positive changes in this country without radical transformations in Japan itself. The experience of participating in the Chinese revolution was reflected in the books written in this period.

How to Cite

Kapranov, S. (2018). THE CHINESE PERIOD OF KITA IKKI’S ACTIVITIES. The World of the Orient, (1 (98), 40-56.
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China, intellectual biography, Japan, Kita Ikki, socio-political thought, Xinhai Revolution


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