

  Д. В. Бурба


This publication presents the Ukrainian translation of the first chapter of Bhagavadgita. This book is the most famous of the Hindu Scriptures, so it is often called the Bible (or Gospel) of Hinduism. The Bhagavadgita is part of the grand Indian epic Mahabharata, which volume is three times that of the Bible. However, the Bhagavadgita itself is a relatively small religious and philosophical poem consisting of 700 verses, which fill chapters from 23 to 40 of the Critical Edition of the sixth book of the Mahabharata (or chapters from 25 to 42 in other editions). This text composed perhaps in the 1st or 2nd century CE.

The first chapter is the passing from the plot of Mahabharata to the real Song (gītā) of the Lord (bhagavat). Researchers of the Indian religion may be interested in moralistic statements of this chapter. The names of the persons mentioned in the first chapter, and other realities, are explained in translator’s notes mainly by quotations from the Mahabharata, as well as by citing the Laws of ManuBrihadaranyaka UpanishadKatha Upanishad, and Artashastra.

Mahabharata consider the battle, on the eve of which the Bhagavadgita allegedly sounded, as global battle between gods and demons incarnate on earth in human form. In the preamble the metaphorical interpretation by Mahatma Gandhi of this battle as the internal struggle in the man between good and evil is explained. Other interpretations also are mentioned.

The history of translation of the Bhagavadgita into other languages is considered. A brief description of the two previous Ukrainian translations of this work is given.

Як цитувати

Бурба, Д. В. (2018). БГАҐАВАДҐІТА, ГЛАВА 1 (ПЕРЕКЛАД ІЗ САНСКРИТУ ТА КОМЕНТАРІ Д. В. БУРБИ). Східний світ, (2 (99), 114-132. вилучено із
Переглядів статті: 682 | Завантажень PDF: 280


Ключові слова

Bhagavadgita, epos, Hinduism, India, Mahabharata, religion, Sanskrit, translation


Ахматова Анна. Избранное. Москва, 1993.

Бгагавадгіта (божественна пісня) / Пер. Миколи Ільницького // Всесвіт, 1991, № 4.

Бхагавадгита / Пер. с санскрита Д. Бурбы. Москва, 2009 (2013, 2015, 2016).

Бхагавадгита. Комментарий Свами Рамсукхдаса / Пер. с английского Д. Бурбы. Москва, 2015.

Білецький О. Давня Індія та її література // Голоси стародавньої Індії. Антологія давньоіндійської літератури. Київ, 1982.

Бурба Д. В. Практична транскрипція санскритських власних назв та термінів в українській мові // Східний світ, 2018, № 1.

Вишневская Д. А. Индийские литературы // История всемирной литературы. В 9 т. Т. 4. Москва, 1987.

Дідківська Галина. Повна вогню промова “Бхагавадгіти” // Всесвіт, 1991, № 4.

Завгородній Ю. Ю. Рецепція індійської філософії в Україні. Лінія Вед (1840–1930-ті рр.). Київ, 2013.

Завгородній Ю. Ю. Поняттєво-термінологічний ряд Бгаґавадґіти: історико-філософський аналіз (І та ІІ розділи) // Індія: давнина і сучасність: збірник наукових праць. Вип. ІІ. Київ, 2017.

Йогананда Парамаханса. Бхагавадгита: Беседы Бога с Арджуной. Царственная Наука Богопознания. Вечный диалог между душой и Духом / Пер. с английского Д. Бурбы. Москва, 2008.

Махабхарата. Книга пятая: Удьйогапарва (Книга о старании) / Пер. В. И. Кальянова. Санкт-Петербург, 1976.

Леся Українка. Історія індусів // Східний світ, 2005, № 2.

Махабхарата. Книга седьмая: Дронапарва (Книга о Дроне) / Пер. В. И. Кальянова. Санкт-Петербург, 1992.

Рам Дасс. Пути к Богу: Жизнь по Бхагавадгите / Пер. А. Осипова, ред.-консультант Д. Бурба. Москва, 2005.

Риттер П. Г. Шянкара // Энциклопедический словарь Гранат. Т. 50. Москва, 1932.

Семенцов В. С. Бхагавадгита в традиции и в современной научной критике. Москва, 1985.

Философские тексты “Махабхараты” / Перевод с санскрита, предисл., примеч. и толковый словарь Б. Л. Смирнова. Вып. 1. Кн. 1: Бхагавадгита. Ашхабад, 1977.

Bhagavad-Gita id est Θεσπεσιον Μελοσ sive Almi Crishnae et Arjunae colloquium de rebus divinis / Textum recensuit, adnotationes criticas et interpretationem latinam adiecit Aug. Guil. a Schlegel. Bonnae, 1846.

Kauṭilya. Arthaśāstra / Translated by R. Śāmāśāstrī. Bangalore, 1915.

Mahadev Desai. The Gospel of Selfless Action or The Gita according to Gandhi. Ahmedabad, 1946.

Monier-Williams M. A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London, 1899.

The Bhagavad Gita or Song of the Blessed One, India’s Favorite Bible / Translated by Franklin Edgerton. Chicago, 1925.

The Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad (with the Commentary of Śaṅkarācārya) / Translated by Swāmi Mayavati. Almora, 1950.

The Katha-upanishad / Translated by F. Max Müller // The Sacred Books of the East. Vol. XV. Part II. Oxford, 1884.

The Laws of Manu / Translated with extracts from seven commentaries by G. Bühler. Oxford, 1886.

The Mahabharata Critical Edition. Vol. VII. The Bhīşmaparvan, being the sixth book of the Mahābhārata the great epic of India, for the first time critically edited by S. K. Belvalkar. Poona, 1947.

The Sacred Laws of the Āryas. Part II: Vāsiṣṭha and Baudhāyana / Translated by Georg Bühler. Oxford, 1882.

The Song Celestial, or Bhagavad Gītā / Translated from the Sanskrit by Sir Edwin Arnold. London, 1885.

Winternitz Maurice. History of Indian Literature. Vol. I. Calcutta, 1927.


Akhmatova Anna (1993), Izbrannoye, Prosveshcheniye, Moscow. (In Russian).

“Bhagavadgita (bozhestvenna pisnya)”, Translated by Mykola Il’nyts’kyy, Vsesvit, No. 4, pp. 121–140. (In Ukrainian).

Bilets’kyy O. (1982), “Davnya Indiya ta yiyi literatura”, in P. Ritter (Ed.), Holosy starodavn’oyi Indiyi. Antolohiya davn’oindiys’koyi literatury, Dnipro, Kyiv, pp. 17–87. (In Ukrainian).

Bhagavadgita (2009), Translated by D. Burba, RIPOL klassik, Moscow. (In Russian).

Bhagavadgita with the Commentary of Svami Pamsukhdas (2015), translated by D. Burba, Deych, Moscow. (In Russian).

Burba D. V. (2018), “Orthographic Transcription of Sanskrit Names and Terms in Ukrainian”, Shìdnij svìt, No. 1, pp. 104–122. (In Ukrainian).

Vishnevskaya D. A. (1987), “Indiyskiye literatury”, in Istoriya vsemirnoy literatury, Vol. 4, Nauka, Moscow, pp. 439–449. (In Russian).

Didkivs’ka H. (1991), “Povna vohnyu promova ‘Bhagavadgity’”, Vsesvit, No. 4, pp. 141–147. (In Ukrainian).

Zavhorodniy Yu. Yu. (2013), Retseptsiya indiys’koyi filosofiyi v Ukrayini. Liniya Ved (1840–1930), Institute of Philosophy, Kyiv. (In Ukrainian).

Zavhorodniy Yu. Yu. (2017), “Ponyattyevo-terminolohichnyy ryad Bhagavadgity: istoryko-filosofs’kyy analiz (I–II rozdily)”, in Indiya: davnyna i suchasnist’, Vol. II, Institute of World History, Kyiv, pp. 163–178. (In Ukrainian).

Yogananda Paramahansa (2008), Bhagavadgita: Besedy Boga s Ardzhunoy. Tsarstvennaya Nauka Bogopoznaniya. Vechnyy dialoh mezhdu dushoy i Dukhom, Translated by D. Burba, Moscow. (In Russian).

Lesya Ukrayinka (2005), “Istoriya indusiv”, Shìdnij svìt, No. 2, pp. 166–185. (In Ukrainian).

Mahabharata (1976), Book 5: Udyogaparva, translated by V. I. Kal’yanov, Nauka, Saint Petersburg. (In Russian).

Mahabharata (1992), Book 7: Dronaparva, Translated by V. I. Kal’yanov, Nauka, Saint Petersburg. (In Russian).

Ram Dass (2005), Puti k Bogu: Zhizn’ po Bhagavadgite, Translated by A. Osipov, Consultant editor D. Burba, Sofiya, Moscow. (In Russian).

Ritter P. G. (1932), “Śaṅkara”, Encyclopaedic Dictionary Granat, Vol. 50, Russian bibliographic institute Granat, Moscow, column 542. (In Russian).

Sementsov V. S. (1985), Bhagavadgita v traditsii i v sovremennoy nauchnoy kritike, Nauka, Moscow. (In Russian).

Filosofskiye teksty “Mahabharaty” (1977), Transl. from Sanskrit, preface, note and explanatory dictionary by B. L. Smirnov, Issue 1, Book 1: Bhagavadgita, Ylym, Ashkhabad. (In Russian).

Bhagavad-Gita id est Thespesion Melos sive Almi Crishnae et Arjunae colloquium de rebus divinis (1846), Translated by August Wilhelm von Schlegel, Weber, Bonn. (In Latin).

Kauṭilya (1915), Arthaśāstra, Translated by Śāmāśāstrī R., Government Press, Bangalore.

Mahadev Desai (1946), The Gospel of Selfless Action or The Gita according to Gandhi, Navajivan Pub. House, Ahmedabad.

Monier-Williams M. (1899), A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London.

The Bhagavad Gita or Song of the Blessed One, India’s Favorite Bible (1925), Translated by Franklin Edgerton, The Open court publishing company, Chicago.

The Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad with the Commentary of Śaṅkarācārya (1950), Translated by Swāmi Mayavati, Mādhavānanda Advaita Ashrama, Almora, Himalayas.

“The Katha-upanishad” (1884), Translated by F. Max Müller, in The Sacred Books of the East, Vol. XV, Part II, The Clarendon Press, Oxford.

The Laws of Manu (1886), Translated with extracts from seven commentaries by G. Bühler, The Clarendon Press, Oxford.

The Mahabharata Critical Edition (1947), Vol. VII, The Bhīşmaparvan, being the sixth book of the Mahābhārata the great epic of India, for the first time critically edited by S. K. Belvalkar, The Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona. (In Sanskrit).

The Sacred Laws of the Āryas (1882), Part II: Vāsiṣṭha and Baudhāyana, Translated by Georg Bühler, The Clarendon Press, Oxford.

The Song Celestial, or Bhagavad Gītā (1885), translated from the Sanskrit by Sir Edwin Arnold, Trubner & Company, London.

Winternitz Maurice (1927), History of Indian Literature, Vol. I, University of Calcutta, Calcutta.


Ахматова Анна. Избранное. Москва, 1993.

Бгагавадгіта (божественна пісня) / Пер. Миколи Ільницького // Всесвіт, 1991, № 4.

Бхагавадгита / Пер. с санскрита Д. Бурбы. Москва, 2009 (2013, 2015, 2016).

Бхагавадгита. Комментарий Свами Рамсукхдаса / Пер. с английского Д. Бурбы. Москва, 2015.

Білецький О. Давня Індія та її література // Голоси стародавньої Індії. Антологія давньоіндійської літератури. Київ, 1982.

Бурба Д. В. Практична транскрипція санскритських власних назв та термінів в українській мові // Східний світ, 2018, № 1.

Вишневская Д. А. Индийские литературы // История всемирной литературы. В 9 т. Т. 4. Москва, 1987.

Дідківська Галина. Повна вогню промова “Бхагавадгіти” // Всесвіт, 1991, № 4.

Завгородній Ю. Ю. Рецепція індійської філософії в Україні. Лінія Вед (1840–1930-ті рр.). Київ, 2013.

Завгородній Ю. Ю. Поняттєво-термінологічний ряд Бгаґавадґіти: історико-філософський аналіз (І та ІІ розділи) // Індія: давнина і сучасність: збірник наукових праць. Вип. ІІ. Київ, 2017.

Йогананда Парамаханса. Бхагавадгита: Беседы Бога с Арджуной. Царственная Наука Богопознания. Вечный диалог между душой и Духом / Пер. с английского Д. Бурбы. Москва, 2008.

Махабхарата. Книга пятая: Удьйогапарва (Книга о старании) / Пер. В. И. Кальянова. Санкт-Петербург, 1976.

Леся Українка. Історія індусів // Східний світ, 2005, № 2.

Махабхарата. Книга седьмая: Дронапарва (Книга о Дроне) / Пер. В. И. Кальянова. Санкт-Петербург, 1992.

Рам Дасс. Пути к Богу: Жизнь по Бхагавадгите / Пер. А. Осипова, ред.-консультант Д. Бурба. Москва, 2005.

Риттер П. Г. Шянкара // Энциклопедический словарь Гранат. Т. 50. Москва, 1932.

Семенцов В. С. Бхагавадгита в традиции и в современной научной критике. Москва, 1985.

Философские тексты “Махабхараты” / Перевод с санскрита, предисл., примеч. и толковый словарь Б. Л. Смирнова. Вып. 1. Кн. 1: Бхагавадгита. Ашхабад, 1977.

Bhagavad-Gita id est Θεσπεσιον Μελοσ sive Almi Crishnae et Arjunae colloquium de rebus divinis / Textum recensuit, adnotationes criticas et interpretationem latinam adiecit Aug. Guil. a Schlegel. Bonnae, 1846.

Kauṭilya. Arthaśāstra / Translated by R. Śāmāśāstrī. Bangalore, 1915.

Mahadev Desai. The Gospel of Selfless Action or The Gita according to Gandhi. Ahmedabad, 1946.

Monier-Williams M. A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London, 1899.

The Bhagavad Gita or Song of the Blessed One, India’s Favorite Bible / Translated by Franklin Edgerton. Chicago, 1925.

The Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad (with the Commentary of Śaṅkarācārya) / Translated by Swāmi Mayavati. Almora, 1950.

The Katha-upanishad / Translated by F. Max Müller // The Sacred Books of the East. Vol. XV. Part II. Oxford, 1884.

The Laws of Manu / Translated with extracts from seven commentaries by G. Bühler. Oxford, 1886.

The Mahabharata Critical Edition. Vol. VII. The Bhīşmaparvan, being the sixth book of the Mahābhārata the great epic of India, for the first time critically edited by S. K. Belvalkar. Poona, 1947.

The Sacred Laws of the Āryas. Part II: Vāsiṣṭha and Baudhāyana / Translated by Georg Bühler. Oxford, 1882.

The Song Celestial, or Bhagavad Gītā / Translated from the Sanskrit by Sir Edwin Arnold. London, 1885.

Winternitz Maurice. History of Indian Literature. Vol. I. Calcutta, 1927.


Akhmatova Anna (1993), Izbrannoye, Prosveshcheniye, Moscow. (In Russian).

“Bhagavadgita (bozhestvenna pisnya)”, Translated by Mykola Il’nyts’kyy, Vsesvit, No. 4, pp. 121–140. (In Ukrainian).

Bilets’kyy O. (1982), “Davnya Indiya ta yiyi literatura”, in P. Ritter (Ed.), Holosy starodavn’oyi Indiyi. Antolohiya davn’oindiys’koyi literatury, Dnipro, Kyiv, pp. 17–87. (In Ukrainian).

Bhagavadgita (2009), Translated by D. Burba, RIPOL klassik, Moscow. (In Russian).

Bhagavadgita with the Commentary of Svami Pamsukhdas (2015), translated by D. Burba, Deych, Moscow. (In Russian).

Burba D. V. (2018), “Orthographic Transcription of Sanskrit Names and Terms in Ukrainian”, Shìdnij svìt, No. 1, pp. 104–122. (In Ukrainian).

Vishnevskaya D. A. (1987), “Indiyskiye literatury”, in Istoriya vsemirnoy literatury, Vol. 4, Nauka, Moscow, pp. 439–449. (In Russian).

Didkivs’ka H. (1991), “Povna vohnyu promova ‘Bhagavadgity’”, Vsesvit, No. 4, pp. 141–147. (In Ukrainian).

Zavhorodniy Yu. Yu. (2013), Retseptsiya indiys’koyi filosofiyi v Ukrayini. Liniya Ved (1840–1930), Institute of Philosophy, Kyiv. (In Ukrainian).

Zavhorodniy Yu. Yu. (2017), “Ponyattyevo-terminolohichnyy ryad Bhagavadgity: istoryko-filosofs’kyy analiz (I–II rozdily)”, in Indiya: davnyna i suchasnist’, Vol. II, Institute of World History, Kyiv, pp. 163–178. (In Ukrainian).

Yogananda Paramahansa (2008), Bhagavadgita: Besedy Boga s Ardzhunoy. Tsarstvennaya Nauka Bogopoznaniya. Vechnyy dialoh mezhdu dushoy i Dukhom, Translated by D. Burba, Moscow. (In Russian).

Lesya Ukrayinka (2005), “Istoriya indusiv”, Shìdnij svìt, No. 2, pp. 166–185. (In Ukrainian).

Mahabharata (1976), Book 5: Udyogaparva, translated by V. I. Kal’yanov, Nauka, Saint Petersburg. (In Russian).

Mahabharata (1992), Book 7: Dronaparva, Translated by V. I. Kal’yanov, Nauka, Saint Petersburg. (In Russian).

Ram Dass (2005), Puti k Bogu: Zhizn’ po Bhagavadgite, Translated by A. Osipov, Consultant editor D. Burba, Sofiya, Moscow. (In Russian).

Ritter P. G. (1932), “Śaṅkara”, Encyclopaedic Dictionary Granat, Vol. 50, Russian bibliographic institute Granat, Moscow, column 542. (In Russian).

Sementsov V. S. (1985), Bhagavadgita v traditsii i v sovremennoy nauchnoy kritike, Nauka, Moscow. (In Russian).

Filosofskiye teksty “Mahabharaty” (1977), Transl. from Sanskrit, preface, note and explanatory dictionary by B. L. Smirnov, Issue 1, Book 1: Bhagavadgita, Ylym, Ashkhabad. (In Russian).

Bhagavad-Gita id est Thespesion Melos sive Almi Crishnae et Arjunae colloquium de rebus divinis (1846), Translated by August Wilhelm von Schlegel, Weber, Bonn. (In Latin).

Kauṭilya (1915), Arthaśāstra, Translated by Śāmāśāstrī R., Government Press, Bangalore.

Mahadev Desai (1946), The Gospel of Selfless Action or The Gita according to Gandhi, Navajivan Pub. House, Ahmedabad.

Monier-Williams M. (1899), A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London.

The Bhagavad Gita or Song of the Blessed One, India’s Favorite Bible (1925), Translated by Franklin Edgerton, The Open court publishing company, Chicago.

The Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad with the Commentary of Śaṅkarācārya (1950), Translated by Swāmi Mayavati, Mādhavānanda Advaita Ashrama, Almora, Himalayas.

“The Katha-upanishad” (1884), Translated by F. Max Müller, in The Sacred Books of the East, Vol. XV, Part II, The Clarendon Press, Oxford.

The Laws of Manu (1886), Translated with extracts from seven commentaries by G. Bühler, The Clarendon Press, Oxford.

The Mahabharata Critical Edition (1947), Vol. VII, The Bhīşmaparvan, being the sixth book of the Mahābhārata the great epic of India, for the first time critically edited by S. K. Belvalkar, The Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona. (In Sanskrit).

The Sacred Laws of the Āryas (1882), Part II: Vāsiṣṭha and Baudhāyana, Translated by Georg Bühler, The Clarendon Press, Oxford.

The Song Celestial, or Bhagavad Gītā (1885), translated from the Sanskrit by Sir Edwin Arnold, Trubner & Company, London.

Winternitz Maurice (1927), History of Indian Literature, Vol. I, University of Calcutta, Calcutta.

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