

  V. Kiktenko


The article explores the development of analytical philosophy in China, shows the specificity of its research and spreading in the 20th – beginning of the 21st century. It is proposed more clarified and detailed periodization of the dramatic history of expansion, prohibition and restoration of analytical philosophy in China: 1) Western scientific method versus the metaphysics of traditional Chinese philosophy (1920–1940); 2) Dialectical materialism versus analytical philosophy: Western ideas competing for China (1950–1970); 3) The return of analytical philosophy to China (1980 – till now). Initially, the Chinese advocates of the analytical trend drew on the works of G. Moore, B. Russell, A. Whitehead, W. James and J. Dewey, whose philosophical systems were perceived as a strong theoretical weapon in the struggle against metaphysics. The Chinese philosophers not only study Western analytical philosophy but also try to use its methodology to study and develop traditional Chinese philosophy. The particular attention is paid to the contribution of Chinese scientists to the study of a wide range of theories of analytical philosophy, which are presented in the classical works of G. Frege, B. Russell, L. Wittgenstein, representatives of the Vienna Circle, as well as in contemporary studies of these philosophers – P. Strawson, M. Dummett, W. Quine, H. Putnam and D. Davidson. It is presented a complex process of transformation of Chinese philosophy engagement with Western culture, which led to a specific perception of scientific methods and rational spirit of analytical philosophy. It is noted that analytical philosophy still does not occupy a proper place in modern Chinese philosophy, which more explores and applies the ideas of German idealism, modern continental philosophy (E. Husserl, M. Heidegger, etc.), postmodernism (M. Foucault, J. Derrida, etc.) and American pragmatism (R. Rorty and others).

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analytical philosophy, China, Chinese philosophy, language philosophy, philosophical analysis, philosophy, pragmatism


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