

  D. Burba


This publication presents the Ukrainian translation of the fifth chapter of Bhagavadgita, which composed perhaps in the 1st or 2nd century CE and is the most famous of the Hindu Scriptures.
The fifth chapter is titled The Yoga of Renunciation and Action. The chapter begins with the question “what is better, the renunciation of actions or Yoga?” Krishna replies that both renunciation and Karma Yoga lead to the highest good, but the Yoga of action surpasses the renunciation of actions. Further we find the statement “Samkhya and Yoga are one”. The word Samkhya (lite-rally Reckoning) is the name of one of the six traditional systems of Hindu thought. However, in Bhagavadgita this word is also used in a broader sense namely as philosophizing or theorizing. The analysis of the context shows, at the time of the composing of Bhagavadgita Indians considered philosophizing as a practice of religious ascetics who renounced the world.
This chapter explains that “the pleasures that are born of attachment to matter are only sources of pain, these have a beginning and an end, no wise man finds happiness in them”. However, the real renunciation should be not external, but internal. Krishna also give notice of such renunciation is difficult to attain purely by intellectual effort without the practice of Yoga. But a yogi soon attains everlasting spiritual happiness.
At the end of the fifth chapter, the breathing exercises of yoga and the technique of fixing the gaze are briefly described.
The concepts and realities considered in fifth chapter are explained by the translator in notes, with quotations from the Mahabharata, as well as by citing the Vedanta Sutras, Yoga Sutras, Laws of Manu, Arthashastra, Samkhya Karika, Upanishads, and other classical texts of Hinduism.

How to Cite

Burba, D. (2019). BHAGAVADGĪTĀ. CHAPTER 5 / TRANSLATED FROM THE SANSKRIT, INTRODUCTORY ARTICLE AND COMMENTED BY D. BURBA. The World of the Orient, (2 (103), 81-92. Retrieved from
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Bhagavadgita, Hinduism, India, karma, Mahabharata, religion, Sanskrit, translation, yoga


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The Sānkhya-kārikā by the great sage Ishwar-Krishna with commentary called Sānkhya-tattva Kaumudi by Shri Vachaspati Mishra and another commentary called Vidvattoshini by Shri Balaram Udaseen (1931), Guru-Mandal-Ashrama, Haridwar. (In Sanskrit).

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The Vedānta Sūtras with the commentary by Śaṅkarācārya (1896), Part II, Translated by George Thibout, The Clarendon Press, Oxford.

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