Charaka Samhita. Part I, Chapter 14 / Translation from Sanskrit, Introductory Article and Commentaries by D. Burba



  Dmytro Burba


This publication presents the first Ukrainian translation of the fourteenth chapter of the first section of the fundamental Sanskrit treatise on Ayurveda (traditional Indian medicine) Charaka Samhita. (For previous chapters, see 2017 issues of The World of the Orient and No. 2 for this year.) As it exists today, this text is thought to have arisen in the 1st century CE. The translation is of great importance for acquaintance of the Ukrainian readers with medical conceptions and life of Ancient India.

The fourteenth chapter is devoted to such an Ayurvedic procedure as fomentation (svedana, from Sanskrit sveda or sweat), which means various types of therapeutic warming: warming the whole body or its individual parts; dry heat, steam heat, hot tub; warming up with or without preliminary anointing а patient’s body with oil. At the beginning of the chapter, the usefulness of fomentation is justified by an analogy “Even dry poles bend by means of oleation and fomentation, then how living human beings [can not be benefited]?”

The chapter insists on coordinating a power of fomentation with a season and a patient’s condition. Indications and contraindications for fomentation are listed. Instructions on behavior before, during, and after a fomentation are given. A list of medicine added to the boiling water (to generate steam) is provided.

How to Cite

Burba, D. (2024). Charaka Samhita. Part I, Chapter 14 / Translation from Sanskrit, Introductory Article and Commentaries by D. Burba. The World of the Orient, (3 (124), 281-291.
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antiquity; Ayurveda; Charaka; India; fomentation; samhita; Sanskrit; therapy; translation


Agniveśa’s Caraka Saṃhita. Text with English Translation and Critical Exposition based on Cakrapāṇi Datta’s Āyurveda Dīpikā, In seven vols (2008), by Dr. Ram Karan Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash, Vol. 1, Chowkhamba Press, Varanasi. (Partly in Sanskrit).

Burba D. (2018), “Praktychna transkryptsiia sanskrytskykh vlasnykh nazv ta terminiv v ukrainskii movi”, Shìdnij svìt, No. 1, pp. 104–122. (In Ukrainian). DOI:

Burba D. (2024), “Charaka-samhita. Rozdil I, hlava 13. Pereklad iz sanskrytu, vstupna stattia ta komentari D. V. Burby”, Shìdnij svìt, No. 2, pp. 153–164. (In Ukrainian). DOI:

Caraka Saṃhita (Agniveśa Saṃhita as revised by Caraka and Dṛḍhabala), with Āyurveda Dīpikā, the commentary of Cakrapāṇi Datta (1941), Vaidya Jādavaji Trivikramji Ācārya (ed.), Third edition, Satyabhāmābhāi Pāndurang, Bombay. (In Sanskrit).

Charaka Samhita, with introduction, commentary and indices including English, Hindi and Gujarati translations, in six vols (1949), Sri Gulabkunverba Ayurvedic Society (ed.), Vol. 2, Ayur-veda Mudranalay, Jamanagar. (Partly in Sanskrit).

Charaka Samhita. Handbook on Ayurveda, in two vols (2003), Gabriel Van Loon (ed.), Vol. 1, Lulu Inc., Morrisville.

Charaka-Samhita (1893), translated into English and published by Kaviraj Avinash Chandra Kaviratna, Pt. VI, Corinthian Press, Calcutta.

Priyadaranjan Rāy and Hirendra Nath Gupta (1965), Caraka Saṃhita (a Scientific Synopsis), National Institute of Sciences of India, New Delhi.

The Charaka-Samhita by Mahamuni Agnibesha, revised by Maharshi Charaka (1897), compiled and edited by Kabiraj Debendranath Sen and Kabiraj Upendranath Sen, Dhanvantari Meśin Yantra, Calcutta. (In Sanskrit).

The Charakasaṃhitā of Agniveśa Revised by Charaka and Dridhabala (1937), Sāhitya Āyurvedācharya Pandit Tārādatta Patna (ed.), Pt. I, Vidyavilas Press, Benares. (In Sanskrit).