The author analyses the perspectives of prosodic research methods application in the study of the processes that took place in the morphology of literary Arabic. In particular, affixal derivation in the formation of T-forms verbs and iambic broken plural and diminutive forms is covered by the author.
How to Cite
Arabic morphology, formation of T-forms verbs, Prosodic
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McCarthy John J. (1979), “On stress and syllabification”, in Linguistic Inquiry, Vol. 10, No. 3 (Summer).
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McCarthy John J. and Prince Alan (1986/1996), Prosodic morphology, Technical Report No. 32, New Brunswick, Rutgers University Center for Cognitive Science, (Ms. privately circulated in 1986, issued in 1996 with new annotations and bibliography), available at:
McCarthy John J. and Prince Alan (1990), “Foot and word in prosodic morphology: The Arabic broken plural”, in Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, Vol. 8, No. 2 (May).
McCarthy John J. and Prince Alan (1995), “Prosodic morphology”, in The Handbook of Phonological Theory, John Goldsmith (Ed.), Oxford.
McCarthy John J. (2006), “Prosodic morphology”, in Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, Keith Brown (Ed.), 2nd ed., Vol. 10, Oxford.
Selkirk E. (1981), “On prosodic structure and its relation to syntactic structure”, in Nordic Prosody II, Fretheim T. (Ed.), Trondheim.
Watson Janet C. E. (2007), The Phonology and Morphology of Arabic, Oxford University Press.
Wehr H. (1971), Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic. Arabic dictionary for the contemporary written language, Wiesbaden.
Wright W. (1986), A grammar of the Arabic language, Cambridge.

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