

  Manh Dung Nguyen


The purpose of this article is to sketch out the general picture of the Vietnamese economy in the period 1945–54. Having regaining independence, the Ho Chi Minh’s government was trying the best to deal with urgent tasks of the newly independent DRV. Among three enemies as well as other difficulties “Hunger enemy” was considered one of their ultimate challenges. Nevertheless, existed one year of independence, at the end of 1946 Vietnam had to enter into the resistance war against the French colonialists’ reoccupation. Economically, besides regionally different policies, the vital target of the DRV was to search for all resources for freedom, independence namely economy of resistance in the difficult economic situation as the earlier days of independence. The article seeks to focus on two main contents: 1) Vietnam’s circumstance after independence (September 1945 – December 1946) revisited; 2) Characteristics, nature and results of the economy of resistance. This period accordingly witnessed the formidable efforts of the Vietnamese state government, excellent figures and managers of economy under the leading of President Ho Chi Minh. The achievements on economic front in fact created great contributions to Vietnam’s final victory during the cause against the French colonialism.

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Democratic Republic of Vietnam, Economy, Independence, Reappraisal on Economy of Resistance


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