

  Yu. Petrova


The article deals with the analysis of typical linguistic features of the Arabic Christian manuscripts written in late Middle Arabic. This language variety was used by the Christian authors as a literary koine of the epoch, including its use in sacred texts. The research is based on the manuscript sources of the 17th–18th centuries – four manuscript versions of “The Travels of Macarius Patriarch of Antioch” by Archdeacon Paul of Aleppo (preserved in Paris, London, St. Petersburg, and Kyiv) and the texts of prayers of the Arabic Psalter (manuscript А 187 from the collections of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences). The results of the study of the manuscripts allow us to point out three specific trends typical for this language variety: colloquial influence, hypercorrections, and hybrid forms. These features are observable at all language levels, and Middle Arabic as a specific language variety arises from their combination across the text. The vocabulary of Christian Middle Arabic of the epoch was much influenced by other languages, mostly Greek and Turkish. The characteristic feature of the language of the manuscripts in Middle Arabic is a high degree of variation and unpredictability of the language forms applied, when classical and colloquial variants may often be found side by side within a phrase or even a word. The study of linguistic features of the Arab Christian literature of the Ottoman period is a promising line of research and may shed light on the problem of standardization of modern Arabic varieties.

How to Cite

Petrova, Y. (2015). LINGUISTIC FEATURES OF ARAB CHRISTIAN LITERATURE OF THE OTTOMAN PERIOD. The World of the Orient, (3 (88), 49-60.
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Arab Christian manuscript heritage, Arabic language, late Middle Arabic, Melkite Renaissance, Melkites, Ottoman Period, Paul of Aleppo


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