

  V. Musiychuk


The scientometrics in Vietnam is quite a new discipline, and its terminology is still at the stage of formation and normalization. The article is devoted to the problem of the formation of a terminology system of scientometrics (as well as related disciplines such as bibliometrics, informetrics, cybermetrics, etc.) in the Vietnamese language. Among the objectives of the study is to determine the fatigue or variability of terms, classification by morphological structure and method of creation. The scientometric terminology system of the Vietnamese language is conventionally divided into three clusters: industry nominations (names of branches of knowledge, such as scientometrics, bibliometrics, informetrics, etc.), methodological nominations (research methods used in scientometrics, in particular indexes), scientometric databases (bibliographic databases, scientometric index lists). As a result of the study, it was discovered that most of the scientometric terms in the Vietnamese language were created by the method of loan translation, some of them by the method of describing the concept that expresses the term. Most works in this area tend to use the original English-language terms, sometimes without translation. Abbreviations of terms in the Vietnamese language are borrowed without changes, only sometimes accompanied by refinement words. The scientometric terminology of the Vietnamese language is inconsistent, while there are several variants of the designation of the same term. There is no consistency in generic notions such as -metry, base, index. The process of forming a scientometric terminology system in the Vietnamese language is not yet complete and requires unification.

How to Cite

Musiychuk, V. (2019). FORMATION OF SCIENTOMETRIC TERMINOLOGY IN THE VIETNAMESE LANGUAGE. The World of the Orient, (2 (103), 55-62.
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bibliometrics, cybermetrics, informetrics, scientometrics, terminology, Vietnamese language


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