

  І. М. Дрига


On March 21, 2021, Turkologists of the A. Yu. Krymskyi Institute of Oriental Studies at the initiative of the NGO “Qırım Ailesi” (“Crimean Family”) in the framework of an international project to document and revitalize the Crimean Tatar language as a language of the indigenous people of Ukraine, supported by the Canadian Embassy in Ukraine, have organized the seminar “Preservation and development of the Crimean Tatar language: challenges of 2021”. The seminar was attended by thirty Crimean Tatar linguists, professional scholars, and experienced teachers of the Crimean Tatar language – from Ukraine, Turkey, Romania, as well as historians, Turkologists, publishers specializing in Crimean Tatar studies. During the seminar, special reports of invited speakers devoted to discussions on the transition to Latin graphics were given, as well as suggestions on controversial issues of transmission of individual sounds in writing. As a result of the seminar, it was decided to promote the transition of the Crimean Tatar language to Latin graphics, in this regard to support the project of Latin graphics in the wording of 1997; to make collective efforts to prepare Latin graphics educational literature in the Crimean Tatar language and its approbation in the places of local settlement of the Crimean Tatars in Ukraine and abroad. The seminar was held within the project “Preservation and Development of the Crimean Tatar Language” with the support of Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, Project CFLI-2020-KYIV-UA-0015.

Як цитувати

Дрига, І. М. (2021). МІЖНАРОДНИЙ СЕМІНАР-НАРАДА “ЗБЕРЕЖЕННЯ ТА РОЗВИТОК КРИМСЬКОТАТАРСЬКОЇ МОВИ: ВИКЛИКИ 2021”. Східний світ, (3 (112), 204-206. вилучено із https://oriental-world.org.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/34
Переглядів статті: 70 | Завантажень PDF: 47


Ключові слова

Crimean Tatar language, Crimean Tatar studies, Crimean Tatars, Latin graphics

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