У статті проаналізована дискусія політиків та вчених щодо теорії “мирного піднесення / розвитку Китаю”, яка почала формуватися з середини 1990-х років з метою підвищення міжнародної репутації країни в ході здійснення політики “реформ і відкритості”. Представлені різні ідеї, концепції та погляди, які відображають формування теорії “мирного піднесення / розвитку Китаю” і реакцію на неї інтелектуалів, а також аналізуються загальні мовні акти та відповідні правила китайського політичного дискурсу й особливості його сприйняття у світі.
Як цитувати
дискурс, науковий, політичний, теорія, “мирне піднесення / розвиток Китаю”
Переломов Л. С. Конфуций “Лунь юй”. Исслед., пер. с кит., коммент. Факсимильный тект “Лунь юя” с коммент. Чжу Си. Москва, 2000.
“Asia in a New Century – Challenge and Opportunity”, speech by Prime Minister of Japan, Junichiro Koizumi at the Boao Forum for Asia // Ministry of Foreing Affairs of Japan, April 12, 2002, http://www.mofa.go.jp/region/asia-paci/china/boao0204/speech.html
Chae Byeong-gun, JoongAng Ilbo. China’s Influence Over the North Rapidly Gaining Economic Weight // JoongAng Daily, June 02, 2008, http://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/article/Article.aspx?aid=2890587
China-Japan Joint Statement on All-round Promotion of Strategic Relationship of Mutual Benefit // Ministry of Foreing Affairs of People’s Republic of China, May 22, 2008, http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjdt_665385/2649_665393/t458431.shtml
China’s Peaceful Development // Information Office of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, September 6, 2011, http://www.china.org.cn/government/whitepaper/node_7126562.htm
China’s Peaceful Rise in the 21st Century: Domestic and International Conditions. Aldershot, 2006.
Cossa R. Non-military challenges in Pacific Asia: implications for the U.S. and Europe // 7th Waldbrol Group Meeting on the European and Euro-Atlantic Coordination on Security Policies vis-a-vis the Asia-Pacific, Berlin, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, 12–13 Dec 2004, http://www.swp-berlin.org/fileadmin/contents/products/projekt_papiere/Co.
Defense of Japan. Tokyo, 2008.
Du Guang. The ‘Peaceful Rise’ and Two Step Over // www.tecn.cn, 2008, http://www.tecn.cn/data/detail.php?id=7451
Economy E. China’s rise in Southeast Asia: Implications for the United States // Journal of Contemporary China. Vol. 14, № 44. 2005. https://doi.org/10.1080/10670560500115184
Gao Quanxi. Surpass the peace and war: one political philosophy thought/reflect // www.tecn.cn, 2008, http://www.tecn.cn/data/detail.php?id=6545
Huang Aiping. To consider the peaceful‑rise and peaceful development // www.tecn.cn, 2008, http://www.tecn.cn/data/detail.php?id=12956
It’s official: China not a threat // Japan Times, February 1, 2006.
Jae Ho Chung. Between Ally and Partner: Korea-China Relations and the United States. New York, 2007.
Jao Ho Chung. Dragon in the eyes of South Korea // Korea: The East Asian Pivot. Newport, 2004.
Japan officials call China military threat // Associated Press, April 2, 2006.
Japanese embassy to China: the Japanese government do not endorse “China threat” // Embassy of Japan in China, 2005, http://www.cn.emb-japan.go.jp/media/media050718.htm
Jeong Hyung-gon. The impact of strengthened North Korea-China economic cooperation // Korea Focus. Vol. 9, № 2. 2006.
Kim Heung-kyu. China Policy of the New Administration: Security and Diplomacy // Korean Focus, April 2008.
Kuehner T. Understanding China: A History Institute Report // Newsletter of RPRI’s Marvin Wachman Fund for International Education. Vol. 12, № 1. 2007.
Lee Wook Yon. Korean-China Cultural Relations and a ‘Common House’ // Quarterly Critical Review of History, Winter 2004.
Li Qiang. ‘Peaceful Rise’ and China’s Development Strategic Choice // www.tecn.cn, 2008, http://www.tecn.cn/data/detail.php?id=6547
Pacific Currents, the Response of U.S. Allies and Security Partners in East Asia to China’s Rise. RAND, 2008.
Pan Chengxin. Peaceful Rise and China’s New International Contract: the State in Change in Transnational Society“ // The Chinese State in Transition, Processes and Contests in Local China. Routledge, 2009.
Pan Wei. Also Discuss the “Peaceful Rise” // www.tecn.cn, 2008, http://www.tecn.cn/data/detail. php?id=12361
Ross R. S. Balance of Power Politics and the Rise of China: Accomodation and Balancing in East Asia // Security Studies, 2006, № 3.
Shih Chih-yu. China’s Just World: The Morality of Chinese Foreign Policy. Boulder, Colo, 1993.
Shirk S. L. China: Fragile Superpower: How China’s Internal Politics Could Derail its Peaceful Rise. New York, 2007.
Sutter R. G. China’s Rise in Asia: Promises and Perils. Lanham, Maryland, 2005.
Vogel E. The Rise of China and the Changing Face of East Asia // Asia-Pacific Review. Vol. 11, № 1. 2004. https://doi.org/10.1080/13439000410001687742
Wang Yiwei. Chinese Tradition of Thinking Power // 46th Annual ISA Convention Honolulu, 2005, March 1–5, www.allacademic.com/meta/p_mla_apa_research_citation/0/7/0/7/6/p70765_in...
Wen Jiabao. Full text of Premier Wen’s speech at Harvard // People’s Daily Online, 2003, December, 12, http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/200312/12/eng20031212_130267.shtml
Wen Jiabao, Full text of Chinese premier’s press conference // People’s Daily Online, 2004, March, 14, http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/200403/15/eng20040315_137493.shtml
Zheng Bijian. China’s ‘Peaceful Rise’ to Great Power Status // Foreign Affairs, 2005, № 5. Zheng Bijian. China’s Peaceful Rise and New Role of Asia // Boao Forum for Asia, 2005a, April 24, http://www.boaoforum.org/ziliao/200505/13/t20050513_3826061.htm
Zheng Bijian. Way that Communist Party of China takes in 21st century // People’s Daily, 2005b, November 22.
Zoellick R. “Whither China: from membership to responsibility” // National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, September 21, 2005, http://www.ncuscr.org/articlesandspeeches/Zoellick.htm
钱皓。龙文化、大国心态、中美关系--对中国受害者心理的历史与理论考释 // 国际观察,2004, № 2.
陆钢,郭学堂.。中国威胁谁解读 “中国威胁论”。上海,2004.
讨论中国崛起的战略机遇期 // Academy of Marxism, Chinese Academy of Social Science, 2006, http://myy.cass.cn/file/2006011020360.html
夏立平, 江西元。中国和平崛起。北京,2004.
王建。论中国“和平崛起”之可能 // Sohu.com, 15.04.2004, http://business.sohu.com/2004/05/23/90/article220239064.shtml
王义桅。从‘和平崛起’到‘和谐世界。北京, 2006.
张剑荆。南风窗:中国的崛起是一场革命 // Southcn.com, 13.05.2004, http://www.southcn.com/nflr/llzhuanti/hpjq/mtsy/200405130508.htm
中国崛起国际环境评估。天津, 1998.
中国:大国崛起。杭州, 2004.
Perelomov L. S. Konfutsiy “Lun’ yuy”. Issled., per. s kit., komment. Faksimil’nyy tekt “Lun’ yuya” s komment. CHzhu Si. Moscow, 2000.
“Asia in a New Century – Challenge and Opportunity”, speech by Prime Minister of Japan, Junichiro Koizumi at the Boao Forum for Asia // Ministry of Foreing Affairs of Japan, April 12, 2002, http://www.mofa.go.jp/region/asia-paci/china/boao0204/speech.html
Chae Byeong-gun, JoongAng Ilbo. China’s Influence Over the North Rapidly Gaining Economic Weight // JoongAng Daily, June 02, 2008, http://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/article/Article.aspx?aid=2890587
China-Japan Joint Statement on All-round Promotion of Strategic Relationship of Mutual Benefit // Ministry of Foreing Affairs of People’s Republic of China, May 22, 2008, http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjdt_665385/2649_665393/t458431.shtml
China’s Peaceful Development // Information Office of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, September 6, 2011, http://www.china.org.cn/government/whitepaper/node_7126562.htm
China’s Peaceful Rise in the 21st Century: Domestic and International Conditions. Aldershot, 2006.
Cossa R. Non-military challenges in Pacific Asia: implications for the U.S. and Europe // 7th Waldbrol Group Meeting on the European and Euro-Atlantic Coordination on Security Policies vis-a-vis the Asia-Pacific, Berlin, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, 12–13 Dec 2004, http://www.swp-berlin.org/fileadmin/contents/products/projekt_papiere/Co.
Defense of Japan. Tokyo, 2008.
Du Guang. The ‘Peaceful Rise’ and Two Step Over // www.tecn.cn, 2008, http://www.tecn.cn/data/detail.php?id=7451
Economy E. China’s rise in Southeast Asia: Implications for the United States // Journal of Contemporary China. Vol. 14, No. 44. 2005. https://doi.org/10.1080/10670560500115184
Gao Quanxi. Surpass the peace and war: one political philosophy thought/reflect // www.tecn.cn, 2008, http://www.tecn.cn/data/detail.php?id=6545
Huang Aiping. To consider the peaceful‑rise and peaceful development // www.tecn.cn, 2008, http://www.tecn.cn/data/detail.php?id=12956
It’s official: China not a threat // Japan Times, February 1, 2006.
Jae Ho Chung. Between Ally and Partner: Korea-China Relations and the United States. New York, 2007.
Jao Ho Chung. Dragon in the eyes of South Korea // Korea: The East Asian Pivot. Newport, 2004.
Japan officials call China military threat // Associated Press, April 2, 2006.
Japanese embassy to China: the Japanese government do not endorse “China threat” // Embassy of Japan in China, 2005, http://www.cn.emb-japan.go.jp/media/media050718.htm
Jeong Hyung-gon. The impact of strengthened North Korea-China economic cooperation // Korea Focus. Vol. 9, No. 2. 2006.
Kim Heung-kyu. China Policy of the New Administration: Security and Diplomacy // Korean Focus, April 2008.
Kuehner T. Understanding China: A History Institute Report // Newsletter of RPRI’s Marvin Wachman Fund for International Education. Vol. 12, No. 1. 2007.
Lee Wook Yon. Korean-China Cultural Relations and a ‘Common House’ // Quarterly Critical Review of History, Winter 2004.
Li Qiang. ‘Peaceful Rise’ and China’s Development Strategic Choice // www.tecn.cn, 2008, http://www.tecn.cn/data/detail.php?id=6547
Pacific Currents, the Response of U.S. Allies and Security Partners in East Asia to China’s Rise. RAND, 2008.
Pan Chengxin. Peaceful Rise and China’s New International Contract: the State in Change in Transnational Society“ // The Chinese State in Transition, Processes and Contests in Local China. Routledge, 2009.
Pan Wei. Also Discuss the “Peaceful Rise” // www.tecn.cn, 2008, http://www.tecn.cn/data/detail. php?id=12361
Ross R. S. Balance of Power Politics and the Rise of China: Accomodation and Balancing in East Asia // Security Studies, 2006, No. 3.
Shih Chih-yu. China’s Just World: The Morality of Chinese Foreign Policy. Boulder, Colo, 1993.
Shirk S. L. China: Fragile Superpower: How China’s Internal Politics Could Derail its Peaceful Rise. New York, 2007.
Sutter R. G. China’s Rise in Asia: Promises and Perils. Lanham, Maryland, 2005.
Vogel E. The Rise of China and the Changing Face of East Asia // Asia-Pacific Review. Vol. 11, No. 1. 2004. https://doi.org/10.1080/13439000410001687742
Wang Yiwei. Chinese Tradition of Thinking Power // 46th Annual ISA Convention Honolulu, 2005, March 1–5, www.allacademic.com/meta/p_mla_apa_research_citation/0/7/0/7/6/p70765_in...
Wen Jiabao. Full text of Premier Wen’s speech at Harvard // People’s Daily Online, 2003, December, 12, http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/200312/12/eng20031212_130267.shtml
Wen Jiabao, Full text of Chinese premier’s press conference // People’s Daily Online, 2004, March, 14, http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/200403/15/eng20040315_137493.shtml
Zheng Bijian. China’s ‘Peaceful Rise’ to Great Power Status // Foreign Affairs, 2005, No. 5. Zheng Bijian. China’s Peaceful Rise and New Role of Asia // Boao Forum for Asia, 2005a, April 24, http://www.boaoforum.org/ziliao/200505/13/t20050513_3826061.htm
Zheng Bijian. Way that Communist Party of China takes in 21st century // People’s Daily, 2005b, November 22.
Zoellick R. “Whither China: from membership to responsibility” // National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, September 21, 2005, http://www.ncuscr.org/articlesandspeeches/Zoellick.htm
钱皓。龙文化、大国心态、中美关系--对中国受害者心理的历史与理论考释 // 国际观察,2004, № 2.
陆钢,郭学堂.。中国威胁谁解读 “中国威胁论”。上海,2004.
讨论中国崛起的战略机遇期 // Academy of Marxism, Chinese Academy of Social Science, 2006, http://myy.cass.cn/file/2006011020360.html
夏立平, 江西元。中国和平崛起。北京,2004.
王建。论中国“和平崛起”之可能 // Sohu.com, 15.04.2004, http://business.sohu.com/2004/05/23/90/article220239064.shtml
王义桅。从‘和平崛起’到‘和谐世界。北京, 2006.
张剑荆。南风窗:中国的崛起是一场革命 // Southcn.com, 13.05.2004, http://www.southcn.com/nflr/llzhuanti/hpjq/mtsy/200405130508.htm
中国崛起国际环境评估。天津, 1998.
中国:大国崛起。杭州, 2004.

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