The author of this article analyzes the content of papal letters to Hungary concerning the issues of the Teutonic knights’ stay in Transylvania from 1211 to 1225. Analysis of the information contained in these letters shows that the Hungarian king Andrew II invited the Teutonic brethren in the Burzenland (located on the southeastern tip of Transylvania, in close proximity to the territory controlled by the Cumans) with the apparent aim to organize an effective defense of Transylvania against the frequent Cuman raids. Based on information from historical documents, the author concludes that the Cumans regularly invaded Transylvania precisely through the Burzenland and that these nomadic raids showed the ineffectiveness of the former defensive system of the region, thereby influencing the Andrew II’s decision to entrust the defense of Burzenland to the Teutonic Order, which possessed significant military capability. The content of papal letters evinces an obvious satisfaction of the Hungarian king in respect of the Knights’ military successes. In parallel, historical documents indicate that the collision between the brothers and Cumans (who, apparently, sought to prevent the Teutonic knights to gain a foothold in the Burzenland) adopted a more toughened character. However, the same documents ascertain the fact that the Knights gradually took control over the Burzenland. Thus, the papal letters give an insight into the evolution of the military successes of the Teutonic brethren in their struggle against the Cumans. In addition, historical documents provide valuable information about the further expansion of the Knights beyond the Carpathian Mountains after the final establishment of control over the Burzenland.
How to Cite
Collision, Cumans, Papal Letters, Teutons
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