

  О. Khamray


This study focuses on those elements of the grammatical system of Arabic, the inclusion of which in paradigmatics is not stipulated by the current state of the language. The author examines the possibility of analysis of Arabic grammar phenomena using the principles of Husserl’s phenomenology and the phenomenological view on language. One of the pillars of Husserl’s philosophy is a short introduction to the ideal and the possibility of direct observation, the contemplation of the essence of the ideal, which can be used as the basis of the phenomenological definition of a number of fundamental concepts associated with both the language and the traditions of its research. The main difference between the Arab and Western linguistic traditions lies in inductiveness. With the former, the inductiveness is based on a belief in the perfection of the Arabic language, with the latter – at least in the era before Descartes – also based on the belief in the “ideal” language, then Latin; as a result, a “grammatical character” was determined through similarity of grammatical categories of the language under consideration and those of Latin. Hence “western” paradigms were based on inductive techniques that, applied to the Arabic language, required going beyond it. Inductive part of the logical constructions of the traditional Arabic grammar should proceed from the similarity of the grammatical phenomena under consideration and the Arabic “standard” forms established by logic. A three-dimensional model proposed by the author, allows us to apply not only the grammatical phenomena directly observed in the speech to the description of the grammatical system, but also the specifics of their interpretation, which exists in the context of various linguistic studies. The main conclusion of the author is that the phenomenological reduction allows us to abstract from the preconceived judgments about the grammatical phenomena of the Arabic language, and reflect the level of correlation between paradigmatics and the “real” grammatical phenomena. The author also thinks it appropriate to consider multicomponent grammatical phenomena simultaneously at ontological and phenomenological dimensions.

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Arabic Grammar, Phenomenological Approach


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