

  D. Brileva


In the 1990s, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, during the period of the growth of nationalism throughout the post-Soviet territory, Tatar communities arose in Ukraine, and began to produce their printed products. These periodicals are an important mechanism for the formation of identity among the diaspora. This study is devoted to the study of ethno-religious identity of the Volga Tatars of Ukraine in public discourse. The study is based on the analysis of the materials of the magazine “Duslyk” / “Friendship” published by the All-Ukrainian Tatar Cultural Center “Tughan Tel” / “Native Language” (Kyiv). The main thematic blocks of the entire array of articles published in the magazine are: history, language, religion, self-determination, as well as the integration of the Tatar diaspora into the modern Ukrainian community. In this work, an attempt is made for the first time to show how the image of the Republic of Tatarstan is formed in the public discourse of the Tatars of Ukraine, how the cultural connection between the Tatars of Ukraine and the Tatars of Tatarstan is built, as well as what role religion, language and history play in this. As part of the work with a block of articles devoted to the history of the Tatar people, it shows how the Volga Tatars of Ukraine construct their history, as well as differences with the version of history that has been formed in the Republic of Tatarstan since the 1990s. An analysis of the block of articles relating to the Tatar language allows one to see its position in the Tatar diaspora of Ukraine. Articles of religious content make it possible to track the transformation in the public discourse of the Tatars of the idea of Islam as a folk tradition into “traditional Islam”. The article considers the relationship between the Volga Tatars and their neighbors, which allows one to assess the degree of integration of the Tatar diaspora into the Ukrainian community. Methodologically, the article is based on the concept of nostalgia proposed by Svetlana Boym. The paper shows that when examining the magazine’s materials through the prism of the concept of nostalgia, the Republic of Tatarstan in the public discourse of the Tatars of Ukraine acts as a home “that no longer exists or has never existed”. The article also analyzes the visual materials published on the pages of the “Duslyk” magazine.

How to Cite

Brileva, D. (2020). THE PERIODIC PRESS OF THE VOLGA TATARS OF UKRAINE: MEMORY, IDENTITY AND NOSTALGIA. The World of the Orient, (2 (107), 37-48.
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Islam in Ukraine, magazine “Duslyk”, Tatar diaspora in Ukraine, Tatar language, Tatar periodical press


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