ISKCON in Ukraine: Responding to the Challenges of the Russian-Ukrainian War



  Yulia Fil

  Mikolai Karpitsky


The article aims to outline the changes in the activities and position of the Ukrainian community of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) following Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. War, as a transformative force, affects all spheres of society. Thus, the changes within ISKCON Ukraine are far from trivial and extend beyond quantitative data, such as the number of military Vaishnavas, internally displaced devotees, and destroyed or damaged temples, although these are documented in the article. The war’s effects include the personal identities of many Vaishnavas, prompting them to reevaluate their values and search for new meanings in their religion.

The Ukrainian ISKCON community faces several profound challenges, raising complex questions without definitive answers. They are the following: 1. How to reconcile the principle of ahimsa (non-violence) with participation in armed conflict. 2. How to regard spiritual leaders and fellow practitioners who support Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. 3. To what extent devotees should engage in social and civic life during wartime.

Based on responses to these questions, four distinct perspectives within the Ukrainian ISKCON community have emerged: (1) “Abstract Brahmanic”, (2) “Traditional Brahmanic”, (3) “Brahmana-Kshatriya”, and (4) “Radical Kshatriya”. These positions have sparked intense debates among devotees. In these discussions, Vaisnavas have drawn not only on the teachings and commentaries of Srila Prabhupada but also on other texts of the Vedic tradition. These texts offer social and ethical frameworks for behaviour in times of crisis, danger, and war. Despite these disagreements, the disputes have not led to a split within ISKCON Ukraine. However, the same cannot be said of the relationship between Ukrainian and Russian ISKCON adherents, which has nearly ceased. While a formal schism has not been declared, the absence of dialogue suggests an unofficial division. Within ISKCON Ukraine, a shared religious identity predominates despite internal differences. At the same time, the loss of communication between Ukrainian and Russian adherents can be attributed to differing priorities within ISKCON Russia. The latter tends to prioritize ideological alignment with the imperialistic politics of their country over religious identity. This position is unacceptable for Ukrainian ISKCON adherents, who consequently see little prospect for a shared religious life.

How to Cite

Fil, Y., & Karpitsky, M. (2024). ISKCON in Ukraine: Responding to the Challenges of the Russian-Ukrainian War. The World of the Orient, (4 (125), 87-105.
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Gaudiya Vaishnavism; dharma; Russian-Ukrainian war; International Society for Krishna Consciousness; ISKCON

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