

  S. Danylov

  I. Eihelson

  M. Ieligulashvili


The paper represents the results of qualitative research which was conducted in October-November 2018 in Genichesk, Kalanchak and Chaplynka rayons (districts) of Kherson region. Generalized portrait of three rayons is drawn from the viewpoint of security risks and factors generating conflicts, in particular local elections, land issue, identity transformation. Causes of conflicts and instability after 2014 are analyzed and the place of Muslim communities and ethnic-religious relations in social economic and security landscape are revealed with consideration of gender perspective.
Authors have analyzed an impact of the border, which appeared de-facto in 2014, and the pro-ximity to the occupied Crimea on the economic situation in the region. Specifics of each rayon are represented according to their proximity or remoteness (as in case of Genichesk rayon) to the regional center, in particular, their economic ties, role of local elites and political life. Land issues as a factor and key economic sphere of the region in conflicts and labor share of Turks, Turks-Meskhetians and Crimean Tatars in land sphere as well as factor of relations with non-Muslim citizens involved in agricultural sphere are analyzed. Authors describe integration strategies of various Muslim communities into socio-economic life of the region. The role of the media controlled by Russia that spread propaganda aimed at destroying loyalty to Ukraine of Kherson region inhabitants is taken into account as well as its influence on ethnic and religious relations in the region.
Ethnic and religious relations are analyzed from the viewpoint of identities’ conflicts (pro-Russian / Soviet vs. pro-Ukrainian / pro-European, Muslim / religious vs. ethnic one, etc.), as well as from the viewpoint of conflict potential of competition between various Muslim communities. The role of various actors and institutions in such competition for the influence on ethnic and religious communities is described.
The paper includes recommendation part. In particular, it is recommended to involve farmers into joint activity and creation of agricultural producers’ association that will promote integration of Ukrainian, Turk-Meskhetian, Crimean Tatar agricultural producers on the base of common business and security interests. It is also recommended to continue research of integrational processes of Turks-Meskhetian and Crimean Tatar communities with the aim to develop local and regional integrational policies, that is not possible without development of the expert potential of local authorities, primarily deputies of local councils.

How to Cite

Danylov, S., Eihelson, I., & Ieligulashvili, M. (2020). KHERSON MUSLIM COMMUNITIES IN THE CONTEXT OF REGIONAL SOCIAL AND POLITICAL DYNAMICS AND SECURITY CHALLENGES. The World of the Orient, (4 (109), 36-47.
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conflicts, Kherson region, Muslim communities, security risks


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