The International Context of Japan’s Support for Ukraine in 2022
The article demonstrates that the full-scale aggression, which began on February 24, 2022 by the Russian Federation against Ukraine, has significantly impacted the Ukrainian-Japanese bilateral dialogue. Japan has publicly supported the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, and has strongly condemned the Russian invasion as well. Along with this, Tokyo took proactive steps to promote the idea of supporting and providing assistance to Ukraine in its confrontation against the aggressor. Specifically, Japan took actions within the framework of cooperation with various international organizations and other multilateral formats (UN, G7, G20, ASEAN + Japan, NATO, Central Asia plus Japan etc.). Japan endeavored to bring the attention of all partners within international formats to the Russian invasion, emphasizing that the aggression committed by the Russian Federation is a criminal act and a threat to the rule of law in international relations.
The article explores that Japan in its appeals and activity to support Ukraine primarily emphasizes the violation of international law by Russia: Japan doesn’t recognize the illegal occupation of part of Ukrainian territory and also condemns the change of the status quo by force. Based on the processed sources and historiography, it follows that Tokyo’s official position on the Russo-Ukrainian war was influenced by several factors: postulating the principle of the rule of law in international relations by Japan; substantial support for Ukraine within Japan; the extent of damage and offences, caused by Russia and Russian troops on Ukrainian territory. Japan also strives to prevent territorial conflicts in the Far East, and if such conflicts occur, Tokyo intends to enlist the support of Western countries, with which it is applying sanctions pressure on Russia.
The article reveals the activity of Japan, directed towards supporting Ukraine in various multilateral formats. Throughout 2022, in cooperation with the European Union and within the G7, Japan consistently imposed sanctions against Russia. In other cases Japan directed its efforts towards influencing the opinions and positions of the member countries of the dialogue regarding the war. In particular, at the UN level Japan took part in drafting resolutions concerning the condemnation of the Russian Federation, and in cooperation formats such as ASEAN + Japan, G20, APEC etc., it focused on rhetoric, emphasizing the illegal nature of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the necessity of exerting pressure on the Russian Federation by the entire international community.
How to Cite
international cooperation; international law; international organizations; Japan; Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine; Ukraine
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