Teaching Vietnamese in Ukraine: Status and Prospects



  Victoria Musiychuk

  Ha Thi Van Anh


At the state level, Ukraine and Vietnam have ample grounds for multifaceted cooperation: the two countries have traditionally friendly relations, established diplomatic relations, and signed agreements on cooperation in trade, finance, science, education, and culture. However, there is a lack of language specialists to positively and effectively implement the agreements between the two countries. Teaching Vietnamese in Ukraine has a quite short history. The article considers the main achievements in this field, problematic aspects, prospects and recommendations. The state of teaching Vietnamese to Ukrainians, as well as to children of the Vietnamese community living in Ukraine has been studied. It is determined that despite the different goals of these two areas, they have common problems. If we talk about the purpose of teaching Ukrainians the Vietnamese language, it is the development of bilateral relations between the two countries. And teaching Vietnamese to community children is preserving Vietnamese language and cultural identity. Among the common problems are the lack of teachers with appropriate professional qualifications, lack of textbooks, manuals, bilingual dictionaries and other educational materials. It was determined that the Vietnamese language for Ukrainians was taught in state educational institutions at the level of specialized secondary schools, as well as in higher education institutions, private courses were not considered in the article. The teaching Vietnamese to ethnic Vietnamese is provided only at the extracurricular level for schoolchildren and is an initiative of the Vietnamese community. The documentary and legal basis for cooperation in the field of education between Ukraine and Vietnam has been identified, as well as the necessary steps for further development of cooperation in this area.

How to Cite

Musiychuk, V., & Van Anh, H. T. (2022). Teaching Vietnamese in Ukraine: Status and Prospects. The World of the Orient, (2 (115), 72-78. https://doi.org/10.15407/orientw2022.02.072
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Vietnam, Ukraine, Vietnamese language, education, textbook, university

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