Historical Portrait: Sir Sikandar Hayat Khan (1892–1942) (To the 130-th Anniversary of His Birth)



  Olena Bordilovska


This paper is dedicated to one of the prominent leaders and state-men of British India – Sir Sikandar Hayat Khan (1892–1952), who’s name, unfortunately, is now almost forgotten. Meanwhile, in the history of Indian subcontinent before Partition 1947 he played an extremely important role. Ironically, he also made a huge impact on creating Pakistan – the independent state of Indian Muslims, while, in fact, he never planned it. The main purpose of the paper is to evaluate his dedication to the Motherland and his struggle for independence. S. H. Khan got a special gratitude from the people of Punjab for his tremendous efforts to ensure the progress of the province and to avoid any kind of communal outrage. Still, he became one of the authors of Lahore Declaration – the Program document issued by All-India Muslim League in March 23, 1940, focused on the creation of the separate state for Muslims of Indian subcontinent. Until now, there is a kind of conspiracy – why he has changed his position and allowed Muslim League to make a plan for Partition of India. The author tries to understand his motives.

How to Cite

Bordilovska, O. (2022). Historical Portrait: Sir Sikandar Hayat Khan (1892–1942) (To the 130-th Anniversary of His Birth). The World of the Orient, (2 (115), 5-15. https://doi.org/10.15407/orientw2022.02.005
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Sikandar Hayat Khan, Punjab, Lahore declaration, All-India Muslim League, British India, struggle for the independence, Pakistan

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