

  D. Brileva


This article deals with visual material published in the magazine “Duslyk” (“Friendship”). The founder and publisher of the magazine is the All-Ukrainian Tatar Cultural Center “Tughan Tel” (“Mother tongue”) located in Kyiv. The study examined images published in the magazine “Duslyk” (2011–2020). The visual material is represented mainly by photographs, and to a lesser extent by drawings. The chronological frames of the images published in the magazine “Duslyk” cover the period from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day. The images are made in pre-revolutionary, Soviet and post-Soviet styles. The collection of images in the magazine “Duslyk” includes photographs of both key figures from the new history of the Tatars and little-known people. The images show the life “remaining in Tatarstan” and separately the life of the Tatar community in Ukraine. The history of the Tatars and the Republic of Tatarstan, constructed in the magazine, is limited to the 20th century. Within it two key periods stand out: the pre-revolutionary time, characterized by the flourishing of Tatar culture, and the events of the Great Patriotic War. A significant portion of the visual material largely consists of images of ethnic costumes, traditional decoration of the Tatar dwelling, as well as feasts and Tatar cuisine, which form the visual image of the ethno-religious identity of the Tatars of Ukraine. Another category of visual material includes state symbols of the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as photographs of the First President M. Sh. Shaimiev, the current President R. N. Minnikhanov and the chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Tatarstan, Mufti K. I. Samighullin. This category of images, together with the views of today’s Kazan, creates a visual presence of the Republic of Tatarstan in the periodical press of the Volga Tatars of Ukraine.

How to Cite

Brileva, D. (2021). PERIODICAL PRESS OF THE TATARS OF UKRAINE: ANALYSIS OF VISUAL MATERIAL. The World of the Orient, (1 (110), 35-46.
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Islam in Ukraine, magazine “Duslyk”, Republic of Tatarstan, Tatar diaspora in Ukraine, Tatar periodical press


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