The article analyzes the views of Arab authors about the habitat of the Turks. It was conside-red the views of the Turks as the descendants of Japheth, the sons of Noah, and, accordingly, their location on the Earth. Also I analyzed information on the situation of Turks in the sixth and seventh climates in accordance with classical Greek tradition, which was adopted by Arab scholars, and the location of the Turks in Scythia. Attention is drawn to the neighborhood or kinship with the legendary Turks and Majuj Yajuj peoples who lived on the edge of the Earth. Persian considered options for the separation of the Earth and the position of the Turks Keshwar there. The conclusion is in that the Arabs considered the east and north of oycumena were subjects of Turks habitat, despite extensive real information about the kinds of Turks, their trade routes, participation in wars and role in the political life of the Caliphate.
How to Cite
Arab-Persian writers, medieval, Turks
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